[UK] Nothern Ireland, Who deserves it?

Day 830, 08:04 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs
*note: all trolling and “shadow is a butt” WILL be reported. I am writing this article to open a debate regarding the Northern-Ireland situation. I know some of you immature kids don’t understand the word “debate” so I ask those ppl to plz refer from posting in the comments of this article. Please, let's deal with this as full grown adults

Dear readers,

Through my time as president in eUK, minister in eUK and later very often as mi6-director in eUK, I have dealt with a countless number of cases and people who wanted independence for certain regions in eUK (be it NI or Scotland) and every time I laughed with those ppl. I lauged because they didn’t understood the game mechanics and because they where plain retards. I was one of those ppl, who, like many citizens in eUK at this moment, believe that original regions should be kept and that NI belonged rightfully to eUK. NI was appointed by the admins as a region of eUK and should therefore keep being part of eUK. Period. No room for discussion.

To a certain extend I still believe that.

I have however changed slightly in opinion in the last weeks.

I’ve been hanging around on the eIrish forums lately (a very friendly and mature community, It’s certainly worth visiting their forum) and things on that forum and on their IRC have made me change my mind about my initial thoughts of keeping original regions to their respective original countries.
Back in eUK, NI was “just a region” like any other. They had their little fortress region in there (which is now wiped out and moved to London), but that was about all the region ever meant to eUK. It never was of any importance and eUK never really cared one rats ass for the region other than to have it. Like a kid having a toy it doesn’t like, but keeping it so that others wouldn’t get it.
Then a few weeks ago Norway swapped the region with Ireland and what I saw then is what made me change my mind. The Irish really cared for this region like no other country I’ve seen before.

Everyone one the Irish IRC and forums started a little party in the honor of the region coming back to them. They immediately started opening several discussion for placing a hospital there, started topics for a name chance of Ireland to “United Irish Republic”, they started contacting the citizens of NI and wanted to open a referendum for those citizens, they wanted to see how they could improve the economy of the region,…. And so on. It was actually (without sounding gay) kinda cute to see all this effort and joy being put in this new region.

I was surprised to see all this activity coming from a small, sleepy, community like e-Ireland. This activity also manifested in their defence in keeping the regions. They mass mobilized the country to move to NI, company owners upped their wages so that foreign fighters could get a better wage when they came to Ireland to help out, they send “thank you” notes to tons of soldiers from all over eWorld who came to their help,…

Never before have I seen a small country put so much effort in a worthless region and it was a nice thing to see.

I am still torn between my old principles that eUK should be given the region back because it’s their right and because they are entitled to it, or that eIreland should keep it because they actually care for it.

Who is entitled to Northern Ireland? It’s a tricky question and I honestly can’t give a clear answer to it. Both deserve it imo, eUK because of game mechanics, eIreland for the care they put in it. My opinion? At this moment, eIreland deserves it more. Maybe later it should be given back to eUK, but at this point, the Irish really deserve it.




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