[UK - CP] Statement on Northern Ireland

Day 4,162, 02:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Statement on Northern Ireland

There have been two articles recently posted which make mention of the UK's postion in regards to Northern Ireland and our training wars.

[CP] War Update by Irish Country President Warbhoy

Official statement regarding Warbhoy's false claims by President of eMacedonia goLdeNNN II

From a UK's perspective

Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania have been wonderful training war partners, perfectly respectful of the UK's wishes. It is my intention for the UK to long continue these training wars as in an eWorld full of training wars and where holding training wars the dominant strategy, the UK is in a great situation with training wars.

I'd also like to take this moment to thank the various officials from Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania I've dealt with over the months and the fighters of these nations for being great training war partners.

The tricky bit, Northern Ireland

In an ideal world, this region alongside our production regions of Scotland, North East of England and Yorkshire & Humberside makes up our quartet of "Congressional regions" (minimal 4 regions to have a full Congress). This has been our agreed position for months.

However, Ireland has built their country in the words of Warbhoy on "republicanism and it kept many players motivated to fight and have something to log in for. United Ireland was, is and will always stay our main goal."

As a result, the UK often faces a Natural Enemy Law Proposal from Ireland. I must admit I grow tired on constantly involving allies into battles for Northern Ireland. As I want to get the UK involved in matters beyond the British Isles via supporting our allies in their battles.

However, despite the troubles over Northern Ireland, I remain keen to have a cordial and friendly relationship with Ireland as one of our closest neighbours. So constant warring over Northern Ireland does not appeal.

The options

Continue to improve UK/Irish relationship to a point where Ireland stop setting the United Kingdom as a Natural Enemy, this has been attempted a few times however to no great success. In all honesty, as well, UK / Irish relations are pretty good. Our officials have always got time to listen and discuss matters with each other in a friendly manner despite being on "opposite sides". As discussed above it's just all about Northern Ireland for them.

Secure our border in Northern Ireland with a TW preferably Lithuania or Iran. This will offer added protection to the UK from Ireland in the terms of Northern Ireland especially in agreement with our exsisting training war partners. We could build into our training war agreement with any Northern Ireland training war partner that Northern Ireland cannot be used to attack Ireland.

I've been asked about training wars by allies in the UK often and because of our perfect training war situation in England, I've often had to turn down anymore training wars however Northern Ireland could give us an additional option. The UK can just about make do without Northern Ireland, it does mainly offer a safety net for having a complete Congressional representation as rotational TWs elsewhere almost always mean there 2 or 3 UK regions not occupied.

Or the UK agrees to a training war with Ireland which cedes Northern Ireland, this will settle our border and improve UK / Ireland relationships thus allowing us all to focus on our training wars in England and other matters without speaking about Northern Ireland every couple of weeks. The UK can just about make do without Northern Ireland, it does mainly offer a safety net for having a complete Congressional representation as rotational TWs elsewhere almost always mean there 2 or 3 UK regions not occupied.

UK's wishes

I'd say from speaking with those in the UK, the majority wanted Northern Ireland to remain free and part of the UK. So this would be our chosen position.

However, if this cannot be the case for various reasons where others feel the need to get involved

I'd prefer to see the UK begin a ping-pong training war with Lithuania holding Northern Ireland and the UK region Scotland. As discussed above, this would be for the protection of the UK and with agreement from our exsisting training war partners. I'd also like to get Irish blessing for this arrangement if possible as it would put another country on thier border.


Finally, if it's agreeable with our allies and the UK's Congress a TW with Ireland holding Northern Ireland is an option I would consider however would prefer a ping pong training war between our natural border as they determination doesn't come into play.


Over the past few weeks, numerous allies have been ready to support the UK in battles with Ireland for Northern Ireland and at times when we have battled Ireland for Northern Ireland, we've received some great support, so I thank all fighters and officials who've been involved.

I take this as a strong indication, there are many in the world are with the UK in us having our region in our control and the final say on how we use Northern Ireland.

This has now escalated with Macedonia's more direct involvement (although I appreciate the situation is more complex, the UK being just a small part of a bigger disagreement between Macedonia and Ireland). I would like thank Macedonia for their involvement as it's brought worldwide attention. The UK will support Macedonia in upcoming battles.

There has been a lot spoken about smaller communities having a say so I'd like to ask the international community to let the UK decide Northern Ireland's fate as it is our region. In addition to who we hold training wars within all our regions.

I've outlined the options open to the UK and I think at this moment a good main goal would be a settle the British Isles with Irish and British regions free or occupied as the original owners would like for training war purposes. For absolute clarity I would not like to see Macedonia "removed from the UK", the UK wants them here.

I am happy to discuss the option above with anyone or hear alternative solutions. I have consulted with some allies and the UK's Congress already for guidance and to gather opinions. I certainly remain open to discussing all options with both Macedonia and Ireland.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom