[UD] A word about those who left

Day 1,160, 16:59 Published in Sweden Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs


It's done. Tonight ePoland has left EDEN.

The reasoning leading to that hard decision is surely complicated and we refrain from judging it as right or wrong. Both sides of this conflict had their certain rights, and both have done wrong things as well. No one seems to be guilty or innocent in here, but one thing is sure: it's a loss for the alliance. Not only in form of the strongest damage dealer, but also an ally who saved the day more than once or twice. It probably could have been avoided somehow, but what's done is done, and it is highly unlikely they will return to EDEN.

All we, as eSwedish government, can say is that we are member and founder of EDEN, and even so we hope to remain friends with Poland, given our mutual history, MPP and common interests in our little part of Europe.

With that said, we wish them good luck.

We also strongly wish for the internal problems in EDEN to be sorted out. There's no need to hide that there are some, especially today, when one of its founding members left, and the other one may find itself fighting against an old enemy getting help of an old friend. That may however take some time, providing everyone will be willing to actually sit down and try to solve this situation instead of trolling in press articles. Stay tuned for news.

Let's hope for the best for the alliance.

(the MoFA)