[UCU]The Union's Plans for eAustria Politics[Re-Posted]

Day 781, 16:57 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom

Permission granted by SparkusK9 to re-post

Some of you may remember me from the Congressional Elections, some of you may not. After taking a big blow in my political career, I decided to get involved elsewhere, The United Countries Union. The time arose for a new Superior to be chosen for The Organization. I ran for that position and the voting ended with a 87-84 record.

In my first term I have came up with a new plan for one political particular party in eAustria. THE STRONG PARTY. My eBrother Ciel Phantom was chosen to be our representative candidate for Party President.

Now, onto the actual plans, the whole organization agreed that the party that should carry out this plan is TSP as the other parties excluding one other party were too prestigious and had an active leader. So, the plan for TSP is first of all the name change, judging by the original name, we have concluded that the party was most likely intended to show that the members were prosperous and never gave up at anything, basically, STRONG. But no sign of this was shown so the name would be changed to either "Austrian National Party" or "Austrian People's Party". Logos have already been made.

The whole point of this change is to offer another option of politics for eAustria citizens This would also possibly attract more citizens in the future.

Superior Leader of The United Countries Union

I, speaking for myself, am looking forward to the outcome

~Ciel Phantom, TSP, Congress~