[TUTORIAL] Law proposals

Day 1,103, 11:43 Published in Denmark Croatia by Plokite
Dear subscribers,
this is a tutorial of Law proposals. I know that I have already said a few things about them, but consider this as a more detail one.Enjoy!

Congressional powers

- Explanation: Every congress manduring his term, which lasts about a month, has the right to set up two bills. The laws are the responsibility of congressmen are as follows: Fee citizen ,donations, printing of currency, taxes, minimum wage in the state, and impeachment of the president. Congressman have the option of granting citizenship, but this is not a legislative act.

- Citizen fee: law that determines the amount of money you will get every new player who is registered in that country. The money you receive each new player is paid directly from state coffers and the country. The minimum amount that may be a fee for the Citizen 5 amounts of local currency.

* Note: When moving to another country is not getting the benefits.
* Note: Only when registering a new player gets to benefit.

- Donate: is a law that allows you to transfer money from state coffers in an organization. Donations of money can be made in any currency or gold, which holds the state in his hand. During the enactment of the donation money that was proposed for donation is deducted from the state treasury, and if the law is upheld, then that money is shifting to a given destination, if the law is rejected, then the money returns to the state coffers.

* Note: Donations are only possible in an organization.
* Note: If the law is upheld, the money was transferred to its destination can not be refunded or canceled.

- Money Issue (Print currency): Is a law that allows the state to publish the new amount of money on the market. During the printing of money is paid tax in gold, which serves to prevent the destruction of the economy. The fee for printing currency gold is 0.005 for one unit of national currency.

* Note: If the law is not accepted gold that has been allocated for the payment of fees is returned to the state account.

- Taxes: Is a set of laws defining the various taxes and customs duties. Fees include the following industries in the market: food, weapons, gifts, tickets, wheat, diamonds, petroleum, timber, iron, houses, hospitals, and defense systems. Fees are divided into categories.
- Income Tax (Income Tax) is a tax on all income, including salaries and profits of the company.
- Import Tax (tax on imports) is a tax on products purchased from foreign manufacturers.
- VAT tax (VAT) is a tax that is paid every time something is bought on the commodity market. VAT stands for Value Added Tax. "

* Note: While the law takes a vote of some industries, it is not possible to run a new legislative proposal for this branch until it reaches 24 hours of voting.
* Note: At the same time it is possible to run at a proposal for all 12 industries.
* Note: Raw materials such as grain, oil, titanium and iron, have no possibility to add VAT.

- Minimum wage: Is the state law that prescribes the minimum wage in the country for all citizens. This law serves as the prevention of reducing wages for beginners that come into play but also serves as a basis for wage determination for the initial skills.

* Note: The ultimate limit for the minimum wage is 200 units of domestic currency.
* Note: This law is misused when you download the opponents of this law by putting the ultimate limit, and thus destroy the company and consequently the economy of the country.

- President Impeachment (overturn President): Is a law that aims to replace the current president of that country. This law applies as a last alternative in case of misconduct present. Given that this is the ultimate necessity of the legitimate President, this is the only law where it is necessary that 2 / 3 Congress (66% +1 vote) to accept the bill.

* Note: If you overturn the President, as the new president takes over following the candidate who won the previous elections, most votes.

Presidential powers
- Explanation: Every president during his term, which lasts about a month, has the right to set up an unlimited number of bills. The laws are the responsibility of the President are as follows: Welcome Message, buying buildings, Alliances, declaration of war and the signing of the armistice, the trade ban.

- Message to New Citizens (Welcome message): Is a law that provides a welcome message from the administration's new game every registered citizen in the country.

- Buy buildings (building Buy): Is a law that allows the state purchase of hospitals and defense systems for some specific region in the country. That the state bought the building it is necessary to offer on the domestic market and the money is allocated for the purchase from the state coffers.

- Alliance: is a law in wich you sign a Mutual Protection Pact - MPP with another country. In order for this law was a valid need that confirmation to both countries through their congresses. This law takes 30 days from the beginning signature and can only be extended 29 days after this act lawful. This law is only for military purposes.

- Declare War: Is a law that means a declaration of war in the country for military intervention. To this law is overturned it is necessary to sign a "peace agreement" which must be confirmed in both countries participating in the war.

- Trade Embargo : Is the law for the purpose of a termination and disabling of all commercial transactions between the two countries. This law is voted as the last act of hostility between the two countries.

Thanks for reading!!

P.S- I am very close to my first MM medal 😃
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