[TUP] Working for You

Day 587, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party


Dear Friends,

It's been an exciting week down at TUP headquarters! With the usual hustle and bustle of our forums picking up to new levels of late, I've been struggling to keep up.

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who voted TUP on the 25th of June. As always it's a struggle at election time to get our vision across, this time even more than usual. Many of you probably wondered where our traditional monthly manifesto went- well it's still in a proto form on the forums. We were so busy we struggled to get it put together in time for the elections. Hopefully we'll have it up either the first or second of July. In any case our congress candidates did very well, and we currently have ten smashing congress members. We are very grateful for every vote, and hope you continue to support us in the future.

Now in around a week we have the Country President elections. Kumnaa, one of the great Presidents of our time, has decided to step down. As such there will be no battle against the incumbant and The Unity Party has decided to field a candidate from our ranks. We aren't announcing who yet, because we're still voting and a lot of members are considering who to back.

The UKRP candidate, Dishmcds, is a two time President of the UK with an impressive record in other countries such as Mexico and the USA, where he lives IRL. He has said he would happily use left-wing measures where necessary, but his primary aim is to ensure freedom of the individual. The Unity Party is a true left wing party. Although we value liberty, we understand that liberty for someone with 200 GOLD in their bank is a lot more fun than liberty for someone who has to scrabble to afford Q2 food every day. Therefore we also prize equality of opportunity and a fair deal for all. Our values are summed up in Clause II of our constitution:

"...by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few; where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe and where we live together freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect."

If TUP sounds like the kind of party you want to be part of, why not read more about us, our history and our values on our wiki page. If you think that our brand of centre-left democratic socialism is right for you, then you can join us here and be part of the UK's second biggest party. We hope to see you soon!

Iain Keers
Party Spokesman