[TUP] The Unity Hug

Day 1,372, 05:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Hello friends,

It’s a well know fact that all eUK political parties are duty bound to produce at least one piece of propaganda informative reading material every week. It is with that in mind that I ask you to read on.

Today I would like to brainwash inform you of the wonderful institution (wrong choice of word?) that is The Unity Party. I expect three things to happen now:

a) You carry on reading out of genuine interest.
b) You carry on reading in order to find something to moan and or troll about.
3) You stop reading.

Right the boring bit:

“ The Unity Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few; where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe and where we live together freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect. ”

Essentially we like helping each other and others do stuff that helps people. It’s not exactly rocket science but doing stuff for the benefit of others seems to be the way to go. (Prepares self for cries of elitism from the elite).

Now you may have noticed that I’m not very good at selling and or spinning the party image. I am what I am and The Unity Party is what it is. I can add as many bells and shiny things on as you want but that’s not how I roll (check me out getting all American).

This party has one fantastic asset that I will make a noise about: A GREAT COMMUNTIY. I can categorically say I would not want to punch any of them in the face. High praise indeed even if I do say so myself.


There you have it, the views of honest and unbiased Unity Party members.

Now, one last bit of business before I go.

We checked the copyright act and it appears we’re allowed to have our very own MU or Military Unity.
So let us make you an offer you can’t refuse and join the Unity Family

Well we thought the old motto was a bit overused, so if you can come up with a catchy tagline for the party drop me a line.

All entries will be included in a forum vote next week and the winner will get some monies from me and anything else I can squeeze out of the party.

Lots of Love


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