[TUP]Our Candidates for Congress

Day 1,161, 10:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear citizens,
On the 25th of each month you vote to elect members of congress, people who play a major role in the running of the eUK, from setting taxes and making donations to creating and voting on forum legislation. This month we at The Unity Party feel we have a great line up of candidates both new and old who we feel would be great members of congress. This article will contain a run down of where people are running and a little bit about them, to help you make your decisions, but you should also check out their congress manifestos on election day by clicking the presentation button next to their name.

Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado
Many of you may know him for his panda avatar or his great Population Statistics articles, but there is much more to him than that. He has been Minister of Home Affairs twice and is a former Vice President. What more could you want in a congressional candidate? So if you want to see panda in parliament, vote Kevy!
Stefan is another very experienced congressman and is always very active, which I think his 20 congress medals, putting him 12th in the world on congress terms, are a testament to. He is currently Minister of Communications and has been a fixture in the role since it was introduced in Autumn last year. Vote Stefan for congress if you want a reliable old hand to have another spot in parliament.
That's me, I've been the UK MoFA for the last few months and am also currently Vice Party President of The Unity Party. I've been in congress seven times and hope you will give me another opportunity to represent your great region :3

Sir Mic
Sir Mic is a great all rounder, with experience from military command to the Ministry of Work. He is currently Under Minister of Legislative Affairs and is one of our legislative specialists. Vote Sir Mic to get the benefits of his wide ranging knowledge!
James Glover
James has been playing for nearly two years and in that time has been an MP on multiple occasions. He is also a successful writer, with a media mogul to his name.

HRH Mr Woldy
Mr Woldy is a truly iconic figure of the eUK, a four time PM and is currently King of our glorious nation. He has extensive experience in most areas of erepublik, from journalism where he has an extremely popular newspaper, to foreign affairs, where he has been Secretary General of Phoenix and UK MoFA numerous times, to domestics where he is currently MoHA. So if you want a royal presence in congress this month, vote Woldy!
Skalg von Tuari
Skalg is very close to all of our hearts in TUP. He came to the UK back in December 2009 when Germany were wiped off the map by Poland and has spent much of his elife here since, but for the last few months returned to his native land where he ran for CP and worked in government numerous times. We are glad to have him back, and hopefully you'll choose to put him back in congress!
Dan Moir
Dan Moir is our current party president and has worked hard this term and many times in the past for the party and the country, so why not reward his hard work by voting for him in the South West of England on election day!

Sigfred Zachariesen
Sigfred is relatively new but has already done a lot for the party and the nation. He has worked well in the MoFA and MoHA and is also TUP's resident graphic artist. Without his great artwork this article would look a lot less interesting 😛 Vote Sigfred to give an enthusiastic new player a chance at congress!
Michael Chertzionhik
Michael has been a perennial congressman for the last six months or so and the reason for this is because he is a solid, active congressman who always tries to do his best for his constituents.

McAfee is a great guy, always active on IRC and the forums, he's narrowly missed out on a third time in congress a couple of times now, so make sure it doesn't happen again by voting for him in Wales.
Another new face to the party, he has already made a big mark, with his programming skills in high demand in the party and beyond. He is active on IRC and the forums and looks like a fantastic prospect. To give a new player a chance to shine, vote Fusspawn!

Jimbojoy has just experienced his first term in congress and has proved to be enthusiastic and dependable, as well as very active, so vote for him to give him a second term in parliament, which I'm sure will be even better now he's learnt the ropes.

Talon Karrde
Another newish member running for their second term in congress, Talon is an active, friendly guy who you can be sure will do his very best for the people of the West Midlands if he's elected.
Andy Millward
A new member of the party, although an experienced congressman, who joined after the demise of the RFA. He is renowned for his love of (maybe even obsession with 😛) Lady Gaga. So if you want some Gaga in congress this month, give Andy your vote!
A very new member of the party, having joined just last month, he has contributed well on the forums and especially IRC so we've given him the chance for a first time in congress, and I'm sure if elected he will do us and his constituents proud.

Goku Jones
Another former RFA member, Goku is an extremely active person, who is very outspoken and often has intriguing ideas of new ways of doing things in the eUK. He is currently Minister of Recruitment.

A true legend in the UK, he has been Prime Minister 4 times and his terms were some of the best in recent history. He is a world renowned expert on foreign affairs, having been Phoenix Supreme Commander as well as UK MoFA. He is highly active on IRC and the forums and would make a great choice for congress!
Another very versatile candidate, a legislative expert with a military background, having been in military command multiple times as well as being Minister of Legislative Affairs a couple of months ago. So if you want someone who really knows their stuff legislation wise, vote Valorum!

Kravenn, originally from Belgium, is one of our hardest working members and was very helpful at last months congress elections where he stayed up late into the night on Christmas Day looking after our mobile voters. He also writes great articles, especially tutorials. Vote Kravenn in Y&H for a dedicated, hard working candidate!

Another of our brilliant Belgians™, Apotygma is an extremely experienced candidate, having been in congress in the UK and Belgium as well as CP of Belgium a number of times, which is quite an achievement. Apotygma also worked hard during the last congressional elections and a vote for Apotygma is a vote well spent :3

Asher Di Immortales
Asher has been a big part of TUP for all the time I've been active in the party, and has always gone the extra mile in his hard work for the party, and still helps out with the day to day running of our companies and schemes. So for an experienced, determined MP, vote Asher in Northern Ireland!

That's it for this term, good luck to all the candidates from all parties running in this election, hopefully tomorrow will be an exciting day for all of us 😁

TUP Vice Party President