[TUP] One More Timey Wimey Redux

Day 693, 23:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus


And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain...

Well...I'd very much like to save this epitaph until next month.
I feel I have unfinished business and like a fart in a space suit I'll not disappear until my work is done.

What have we learnt?

Well at present we are the largest party in the eUK. Now this has not been all down to me. Nay! This has been down to every single Unity party member pulling their weight. I'd like to think I've helped keep the party moving in the right direction, but I've never been one to gloat.

Our presence in Congress has increased this month. There are still more gains to be made this month but that is for another article.

We have a Woldy at the top. Say no more.

What next?

My focus for this month will you. I want to get a greater representation of all our members reflected within our policy. We are a party for all. Our RUP's will play an integral part in this process and by the end of next month I'd like to see even more of you playing an active role in the Unity Party.

I'd also like to realise my previous ambitions and get a TUP gifting commune into action. A company that looks after its employees and offers help and advice for those who are just starting out in the eWorld.

Of course, continuing our success at the next congress and presidential elections is a must. I haven't forgotten about that, don't worry.

This is your party and I would be honoured to be given one more month at the helm of the good ship TUP.

Four more weeks? Yes please

Go team Unity