[TUP] Hassan Pesearn Victorious!

Day 594, 00:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear Friends

Today, in the weak early light of the morning, Hassan Pesaran became our next President. Walking through the now bustling streets of London, he looked around at the thousands of hard working people on their way from their homes, and smiled.

In the distance the gates of Downing Street were visable. And leaning against them was a tall man, inconspicuous but for his top hat and lopsided grin. The two men met, spoke a few words and embraced briefly. As Hassan slipped through the police cordon and Kumnaa climbed into his corporate limo the thin border between the coalition Presidency of one man ended, and the coalition Presidency of another began.

All across eRepublik citizens awoke from their slumber under different leadership. In the eUK that meant the vision of one man for the vision of another. Hassan Pesaran has been on a journey over the last months. A journey of self-development, working with some of the most talented eUK citizens to learn a trade that few master. TUP selected him to represent us, amongst all our members, as our brightest hope. And now we put our hope in him, that he may build a stronger, more socialist Britain for his successor.

Although not everyone will smile this morning, we ask that all citizens of the eUK give Hassan the chance he deserves to prove he is worthy of your trust. He is a very different man to his opponent, with very different views. However he has the support of some of Britain's best and most talented members, and with this team he hopes to make a Britain where things are better for 'the little guy'.

In the upcoming days we ask you, the ordinary citizen, to voice your hopes and fears for the coming term. To let us know what we should be doing for you. To show your support for Hassan by accepting his leadership. Every government will face challenges, but the challenge for Hassan is to live up to the huge expectations resting on him. He can't do that alone, he needs your help.

From everyone in TUP (and our dear friends the PCP), we thank you. Today will be a day we will all remember. Long live TUP! Long live HASSAN!

Iain Keers
TUP Spokesman
