[TUP] Bring Out Your Dead or My PP Manifesto Type Thing

Day 1,057, 08:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

“Suck in the guts, guys, we're the Ghostbusters.”

Change the word Ghostbusters for The Unity Party and we have something relevant to start my article with. For one month I shall suck in the paunch of retirement and do my best to give us all a good kick up the backside.

Yarp I’ve decided to run for PP (Cue necromancy jokes).

We’ve had a mixed bag of results this month. The triumph that was our Congress election victory tempered with a CP election that was something akin to a Carry On film. Add to this declining numbers across the game and we find ourselves in a bit of a sticky patch.

Iain Keers surveying the results of the CP election

I say a sticky patch, but in all honesty if we were any other party in the UK this would have been a fantastic month. However, we’re the Unity Party and as such our standards are a lot higher. We’re the party that all others look to when the country is on the rocks.

This is our time to step up, so suck in the guts, we’re the Unity Party!

Our Month Ahead

Our first task is to start building our membership base.
We have so many prominent and well respected figures within our ranks and by golly gosh they’re going to be a key factor in us getting back to where we once belonged.

I will be rebooting the council of Unity.

Every past PP will be asked to join as well as every former vPP and any other member who has made a significant contribution to the party over the last few years.
We need to remember what our key message is and for me it is “strength in unity”.
Every party member must remember why joined and go out there and tell the country.

My Old Geezer

After I decided to run for PP again almost a year after I’d done the job before, the question of a deputy arose.
In my mind there was only one man for the job. I needed somebody with a proven record of finding new talent and nurturing it like the delicate flower it is. Who better than the person who gave me my first ministry job.
I give you Mr Woldy.

Do you think we’re getting too old for this?

The Next Generation

This party isn’t just full of old crones and crusty economists; we have young whipper snappers within our throngs. This month I will be looking to the next generation to put their hands up and get involved in the day to day running of our party.

We need people to coordinate pm campaigns, help produce high quality recruitment schemes, man the phones during election days and get thinking about new and exciting ideas to take the country forward. Most of all, and this is the biggest jerb, you need to get out there and help people.

If you're active and a young hip thing, you’ll be getting a job.
You may not want it but you’ll be getting it.

Other plans

I loves it when a plan comes together I does

1). Obviously with falling numbers across the game as a whole we need to stem the flow and gain new members pretty sharpish. As a consequence we’ll be pestering the country to join us on a weekly basis. I’d also like to see the Unity Party have a larger presence within the in game forums as you do get the occasional straggler mooting about in there.

2). The intention is to continue all our current initiatives with regards to helping new players - Unity Food and Welcome Baskets. I’ll let the business boffins within the party work out whether or not we have room for expansion on both these fronts.

3). I intend to make sure that our next Prime Minister is a Unity Party Prime Minister.

4). Achieve a comfortable congress majority which has at least 4 new Unity Party faces present.

5). Reduce/Repeal/Simplify all legislation. I personally see no point in having made up rules which only serve to make other players within the game feel important and special. It is not part of the game. It is not relevant and we could do without it.

6). Fun. Let’s try as a party to make this game fun for every player. Maybe if we go out there and look for the positives within the game, rather than baawwing because it’s going belly up, others will start to buy into our optimism. We can dream.

Anyway, if your reading this and you want to get involved with the party - in game or on the forum - drop us a line.
I’d also like to invite all those players who have a party to try something different and join us.