[TTH] Welcome to America!

Day 2,802, 18:55 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF!

Editor-In-Chief and Pontificator of Tin Hattery
Cure For Pain (Full Album) ~Morphine

Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party and help bring about change.
Join the People's forums, Socialist Freedom Party Forum and have your say without being trolled.
Join the People's MU, the Bear Cavalry and volunteer to fight for freedom across the World.

Gooooood Morning, America!

First let me welcome all the new eRepublik citizens to this Social Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (SMMORPG), this is a game built on the foundation of the mechanical rules of eRepublik; but even though some will tell you the way to play this game is by mechanics -don't believe it. Second is some free advice, work and train everyday; SAVE YOUR GOLD!

Most everyone will agree that the 'mechanical actions' of working and training everyday is the right thing to do, it is the third daily 'mechanical action' of fighting that a citizen may execute that is hotly debated; for me the axiom to repeat like a mantra is: 'High Strength! Low Level!' Save every bar of gold you receive, train daily for free and upgrade your Weight Room to Q4 ASAP -followed by the rest; join a Political Party or Private Military Unit that fits your needs and has a Community willing to teach you how to play eRepublik your way.

Below is a list of government funded programs for new citizens in game, these Departments were recently granted Budget Line Funding; all of these programs were excellent Privately Funded Programs and I am sure now with Tax Revenue being allotted to them they will grow even better. What I like about these programs is the fact a citizen need do nothing more than apply to this programs daily, you need not do anything else outside eRepublik; you do not need to be a member of either a political party or military unit.

[DoE] American University
Department of Interior Meals on Wheels (500 wellness)
Bank Up 2 Strength Up (Government gold drops weekly)
Department of Education: Question of the Day (50 Q5 Food OR 25 Q7 Food)
Department of Interior Social Security (for players >2 years old)

There are also 2 party programs and a Department of Interior program available on the eUSA Forum that new members may take advantage of to receive supplies for working, training daily and fighting every 4 or 5 days for those Battle Hero Medals that pay gold. The rules for these programs are very simple, be sure you follow them; all of them are excellent programs and the only problem I have with them is you MUST have an eUSA Forum account.

Dept of Interior Bewbs for Newbs (500 Wellness)
[AMP] Meal, Ready to Eat
[WTP] Whalefare ~

For those of you who are new below is a list of forum Communities, some are political, some are military and some are a little of both. My recommendation is find a Community that fits YOUR needs not the needs of a party or military unit, find a Community that is open to listening to your ideas; that is welcoming and willing to teach you how to play YOUR game. This is an excellent game, but the only way to learn that is to get involved in the 'social mechanics' of eRepublik; join a Community and join the Revolution by getting involved.

As the 'Old Guard' citizens know I stand firm against the eUSA Forum continuing to house America's Congressional Sub Forums, I desire that Congressional Business be conducted in game and not on some outside forum controlled by some group of citizens and their 'metagame'; an 'metagame' designed and totally controlled by them. However for those citizens who wish Congressional Business to remain as Sub Forums of a larger Forum Community, here is a list of candidates to house the American Congressional Sub Forums:

Socialist Freedom Party Forum
Bastards of Liberty Forum
eUSA Military Forum
Screamin' Eagle Forum
Federalist Forum
Black Sheep Party Forum

eUSA Dictator Tyler Bubblar

Recently the eUSA's benevolent Dictator Tyler Bubblar published the article [PoTUS] Chilean Pillar Humping in which he first complains about World of Warcraft, belittling the players who could out play him in PvP combat; then goes on to complain that Chili isn't playing fair, 'Because we have seen over this weekend the eRepublik equivalent from Chile when they RWed Lower Normandy back to France.' Dictator Bubblar then goes on to support The DarkKnight Rises in his attempted coup of Croatia, TDK offering to enrichen any who contributed to the coup by stealing Croatian Tax Revenue once in power.

So our benevolent Dictator and several active long time Congress Members helped support an assault on a free country, all so they could enrich themselves at the expense of others; one Congress Member even donating 10 gold to the cause. So does any citizen paying attention -you know involved- still believe that the eUSA government's Defensive Dictatorship is a benevolent way to protect American Freedom?

I also believe that this attempted Military Takeover (MTO) has proven that such a Dictatorship in America is unnecessary as well as unwanted, that the world streamed to Croatia in defence of Freedom; however the eUSA government has over the last 2+ years made enemies of some of America's longest and closest allies such as Canada. They have driven away active American citizens, expatriate Americans who are politically active in countries such a Canada; so is it any wonder why the eUSA government is so afraid no one will come to their aid?

Kemal Ergenekon

Finally, in the past I have many, many times stated that the Congressional Sub Forums should be removed from the eUSA Forum, that Congressional Business can and should be conducted in game; my fight has never been against the eUSA Forum themselves -though the eUSA 'meta government' wishes you to believe that is true. The 'meta government' and its supporters keep trying to make it about the eUSA Forum themselves, while I think that forum is a toxic sewer of terrorism, racism and hatred; if citizens wish to become a member I have no problem with anyone getting an account on those forums. As I said in my opening disclaimer you should always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF!

However here is an example of the type of citizen who hangs their hat on that forum and who plays the 'metagame', let me introduce you to Kemal Ergenekon who was once a member of the treasonous iNCi party -a PTO party like the AFA who sold citizenships to America's enemies and who continues to hang around running CP candidates unmolested- who recently wrote Hacoguz ile tartisma makalesi; an article in which he discusses converting or killing non-believers. This is the citizen who went ballistic when I suggested that he 'STFU...GTFO...gasoline and matches are free to you', yelling and screaming that I wished him to commit suicide while leaving out the fact he had no problem with me saying that same exact thing to Ronald Gipper Reagan (RGR); the same citizen who demands I convert or he will murder me. For the education of new citizens, this is also the citizen who for the 35th time in a row controls American Tax Rates and the American Economy; he is also very active within the eUSA 'meta government' advising everyone from the Dictator on down -I'm just saying....

So I will continue to say again and again that the American Congressional Sub-Forums need to be removed from the toxic sewer that is the eUSA Forum, I do not care if three of the Top 5 political parties in America (USWP, AMP & WTP) -since they are basically the same party anyway- wish to keep their forums housed there; that ofc is their business. However, I do care that citizens are attacked and belittled on a forum where a citizen's post is crammed into Mega Threads because they are too active; while Congress opens such threads as Synesi's Great Quote Pyramid Thread!; I do care that citizens are driven away from the forum which houses the American Congressional Sub Forums and that the forum which houses the Congressional Sub Forums welcomes citizens who wish to convert me or murder me.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.

C'est la vie, mon chéri....
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Bear Cavalry, Insignificant PopGun, 1st Regiment  

Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party and help bring about change.
Join the People's forums, Socialist Freedom Party Forum and have your say without being trolled.
Join the People's MU, the Bear Cavalry and volunteer to fight for freedom across the World.