[TTH] The Future Through The Past

Day 3,660, 03:11 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party.
Join the People's military the Bear Cavalry.
Join the People's forums, Socialist Freedom Party Forum

Join the Revolution, get out and vote!
The Alternative Project | DC 101 | Radio 105.7 | Indie Radio

Some weeks back I was ready to move on. Tired and worn I contemplated leaving. It was just a few short weeks again I was ready to give up. Then Phil Harmony began his little tirade and I thought, 'No f**king way I am leaving the SFP to this guy.' Then...the other day TheNorm said something along the line of, 'We need to strengthen this party and for now ignore National Politics.' Now I agree in part...the part about strengthening the party. It was the strength of this inner core of the SFP which prevented it from being dragged down into the sewer of hate. Thank you to that core of citizens who stayed, toughed it out and helped us regain control of our party. It did, however, take help from our friends outside the party and I want to thank those who came to our aid and especially those who chose to stay. We must -as a party- reach out to those whose have built Business Empires after all wasn't the point of the 'Resources War' to make America attractive to company owners...in fact the only thing we lack is Neodynium and we are sitting on 100% Bonus.

During the last Congressional Session, a vote was taken to Add Gnilraps as a CBO Director, the fourth such Director, who has assured us the money is safe. Now -in the thread CBO Donation Thread (DFE)- we have learned that Congress is 'mechanically' in control the Congressional Budget Office Organization and that America's top Military Unit is in possession of a National Org. That thread started life in Public Congress and only through laziness -they don't want to take the time to redact the reserve amount- it was moved to Private Congress. Now orgs are holdovers from the 'Good Old Days' when everyone had one and are virtually unknown to today's new citizens. They can and are used to generate considerable income for whoever has one and knows how to use it properly. Over in the Member Area of the Socialist Freedom Party Forum is a post entitled National Orgs held by the Country President. Also in that thread, we have learned that my list of orgs is only a partial list of the orgs the government holds. My next question is, 'How many of those National Organizations are in Private hands?'

As stated earlier the SFP has been fortunate enough to have some old members return to our community. As I considered supporting the other part of TheNorm's  statement -ignoring Nationa Politics- one of those returnees, WhyDoIBotherToo, announced on the forums that he intends to run for Country President. Now I remember his Campaign from August and remembering that I agreed almost totally with him. Then another EZC member from my days in that unit, GonzoVeritas arrived and my heart fluttered for both of these citizens have strength and honor. Both these members were members lost during the attempted Coup by Cerb and the ensuing madness that has followed but having heard the call to return to our roots they have themselves done just that. In the past few months, the SFP has had a problem with...shall we say...undesirable Congress Members who were willing to sell America. To make it clear I nor this party will accommodate Traitors and that is what you are if you sell a citizenship for gold or worse accept an unsolicited bribe for one. The SFP has recently cleaned house of the riff raft that offered such services and those who could only spew their hatred, hatred worthy of the eUS Forums. I believe that SFP is a strong party and growing stronger by the day. So I wish to say again that I and I hope the SFP as a party will support WhyDoIBotherToo in his bid for Country President.

In the recent elections SFP gained 3 seats in Congress, the USWP was 3rd and the #1 Feds are not that far ahead of us in either votes or members...hell I remember the days when we were also-rans on other parties tickets. Now I have always held that this is a socialistic free willed party and I would, therefore, never presume to TELL you who to support or for whom to vote. What I will say is that with his announcement to run again I plan on supporting WhyDoIBotherToo in his run for Country President.

Remember to get out and vote for Country President on December 5th....

God's Hammer
Strength & Honor
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.