[TTH] Elitism, when will it end...?

Day 2,790, 08:11 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Editor-In-Chief and Pontificator of Tin Hattery
The Heart of Saturday Night ~Tom Waits

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Damn! I think I just became an elitist, you know you have made it when you have a group of citizens named after you. 'The Franklin Stoners', I would have gone with a simple 'The Stoners' or 'Stonerist'; but...I FN love it!

USWP Congress Member and Easy Company Benefactor
Elitism. How's It Gonna End?

a) A group of people who have established power in the 'metagame' and who protect this power by excluding those who would threaten it if said power were shared with them.
b) A group of citizens who feel they know what is best for everyone else.

Now let's get serious. I tidied up the definition used by Gnilraps (a non-elitist) and will accept it as a good working definition. I have also added a second definition of Elitist.

'There is, without question, a smallish group of eCitizens who wield control over the eUSA Forums. This in itself, I would hope, should not be enough to elicit complaints about elitism. It is the fact that this same eUSA Forum is the home of meta-congress. This is the rub. And since Congressional power is a still-relevant form of power in the (non-meta) game, the equity of a situation where the ingame powers can be altered by extra-game factors can be understood as potentially troublesome.'

First lets look at this statement: 'And since Congressional power is a still-relevant form of power in the (non-meta) game...'. Wow, is that an admission that the Congressional Forums on the Elitist Controlled eUSA Forum are meaningless? Second, yes it is the fact that the Congressional Forums are located on those tightly controlled forums; it is the fact that a group of citizens -some of whom can't even be called citizens- determine in game actions and who apparently feel that the Congressional Forums they house are not even relevant.

This same group of citizens, who it has been admitted both exist and does control the eUSA Forum; also believes that they know what is good for me and every other American Citizen. Now I don't know about you, but no one knows me better than me; no government should ever tell it's citizens how to think and act and then call them 'traitors' when they won't goose step to their drumming. It should never decide that a Dictatorship in America is what is best and then proceed to shove it down our collective throats via a tightly controlled Congress, a Congress it seems they believe is irrelevant OUTSIDE the game; once again I did not sign up to play eUSA Forum.

'Here’s a dirty little secret. I, Gnilraps, am not one of the elites...but I have not been shunned, mistreated, or otherwise screwed over by the elites.

What would be an outrage is if the elites used their Forum power to subversively limit the equal ability of their political enemies to make successful use of the Forum.'

Posting about an article/law? Please include its FULL TEXT in spoiler tags!
Franklin Stone Article Mega Thread

I am going to point to these two threads to illustrate how wrong you are about limiting their political opponents use of those forums. Even though I met every requirement stipulated in the first thread, every time I post about my latest article in General eRepublik Discussion it gets shoved into the second thread; when I respond in a thread contained in the PUBLIC Congressional Proceedings forum it is almost always trash canned. Pretty sure I am considered the enemy and my ability to use those forums is severally limited.  

My political enemy Gnilraps has written a fine article and made many fine suggestions, I believe those suggestions should be given full consideration by my 'Stoner' friends and the SFP; however they deserve their own article. I want to thank Gnilraps, Deep Chill and Easy Company for everything they have done for me and every time they have stood up for me, I owe all of them a huge debt that I will never be able to repay. I will touch on only one last subject, I never advocated the demise of the eUSA Forum; I simply want Congressional Business brought back into eRepublik and if those forums die because of that...then they weren't much of a forum to begin with? So in closing let me again recommend you too join the Revolution and...  

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Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.

C'est la vie, Chérir'....
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Bear Cavalry, Insignificant PopGun, 4th Regiment  
Easy Company Militia, Military Fitness Academy, Class of 2601
Easy Company Militia Cadet Plebe, Advanced Training Academy, Resigned