[TTH] Comrade Frank 4 Party President

Day 2,823, 05:16 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
Out of Time ~ R.E.M.


Today lets talk religion, since America's National Religion is Dioism; I feel that every American Citizen Soldier should be aware of The Book of Dio -which I will assume is their 'Bible'. Now I know someone who plays this game rather well -both 'meta' and 'role'- who is themselves a man of faith and a Dioist, now I am going to try and keep this eRepublik related so as not to get a 'Forfeit Point (FP)'; but I will say up front I am a Diest Pagan.

Now many think that I have not read 'The Book' -they would be wrong, many also think I am against Dioism -they would be wrong again; I am against America having a Law which tells Americans how to believe. Now the Socialist Freedom Party believes that your beliefs are you own, the SFP has no policy toward Religion other than the fact we believe that American's beliefs should remain their own and not a policy of the government.

I wish to direct your attention to Chapter 4 of 'The Book' entitled Exodus, wherein we find the following quote, 'Blessed are those, that suffer; for they shall be comforted.' Now this statement assumes there is someone rich, powerful or influential who will be there to comfort them. With this statement I personally agree, the SFP also agrees with that statement which is why we provide for ALL American Citizen Soldiers with assistance through the Rainy Day Tank And Food Program.

Neither can I think of a better example of socialism, someone whose Religious Beliefs require them to be socially aware and volunteer to provide for those who suffer. I also can not think of a better way to be socially aware than making assistance free and readily available to ALL American Citizen Soldiers, certainly there are no more deserving citizens than those who are new to eRepublik; nor is there a better way to encourage those Old Guard Citizen Soldiers who have gone quiet to become active once again. There are many things contained in 'The Book' with which I agree, IMO it is a very Socialistic Religion; but I do not believe the SFP should adopt it as the Party Religion -any more than I think the American Government should adopt it as our National Religion.

Recently I announced my run for Party President and as PP of the Socialist Freedom Party inside the Party I will support: a) creation of a Party Budget voted on by SFP Members b) creation of a Party Media Editor with a Budget Line to pay writers c) the creation of a People's Assembly where ALL our members have a voice. I am therefore asking the SFP membership to step forth and volunteer to aid me in OUR quest to become a Top Tier Party, many have stepped forward already and they are now working on a National Level. So again, I am asking you -the members of SFP- to run with me for Party President.

My position on many of today's issues can be found in my articles. My thoughts on the 'Defensive Dictator' can be found in the article [TTH] Dictator Elections, as well as several other articles. I have made clear that I am a Revolutionary in my article I am an FN Revolutionary , my greatest desire is to see the SFP become a Top Tier Party with our own Congressional Caucus. As PP I will Lobby Congress for War and lots of it, no more meaningless wars for Europe; America needs to look South and West for new Allies and Friends some of whom were at one time our Allies.

There are several Constitutional and Law Issues concerning Congressional Sign In, Voting and our National Religion of which America should be aware. As PP I will Lobby for Constitutional changes on Sign in and Voting, I will also lobby for the repeal of the National Religion Law. We are sitting on a War Chest of millions of CC, all of which should be used in freeing countries of Dictatorships across the world -starting with our own Homeland. As PP of the SFP I will lobby for socially aware programs such as the SFP's Rainy Day Tank And Food Program and the DoCA's programs such as Meals on Wheels, Bank Up 2 Strength Up, Question of the Day and Social Security.

The Black Hand Deploys Tactical Nuclear weapons during last years Thai Air Strike.

Since we are half way through August and in the next few weeks America will remember those who have fallen to those who use terror as a weapon. IMO I feel that it must be clarified that I and the Citizen Soldiers of Bear Cavalry will again stand ready to defend our Homeland against such terror merchants as Thailand, no American can forget what happened on this day of remembrance last year. The article by outgoing Dictator Tyler Bubblar, Unleash Hell, brings into sharp focus America's stance on such acts of terror against our Homeland. Although I believe America should use her might to overthrow Dictators worldwide, that America should crush the enemies of Freedom; acts of terror for its own sake is simply wrong.

So in closing and for a friend I who know had a great day, let me introduce Butch.

Strength & Honor
FS4PP of the SFP!

Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party and help bring about change.
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Join the Bear Cavalry and volunteer to fight for freedom across the World.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.

Comrade Franklin Stone
Editor-In-Chief and Pontificator of Tin Hattery
Bear Cavalry, 1st Regiment, 'The Black Hand'
Committee for Correspondence
Socialist Freedom Party
C'est la vie, mon chéri....