[TTH] Bring Change to America and eRepublik

Day 2,948, 14:10 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to play your game and THINK FOR YOURSELF.
Revolution ~The Beatles

For those of you in game who truly desire change, who truly want Congress to reflect the desires of the 'In Game Majority' and not the minority 'Congressional Majority'; I call your attention to the Code in bold below from the eUS Constitution. You want change you need a 2/3 majority to have that one sentence removed, is having that one sentenced removed going to fix America's problems? Hardly for the 'Meta Lords' are entrenched in the Fortress of Congressional Majority, so it will be just the beginning of a journey down a long hard road full of dirty work in order to affect social change. The 'Meta Lords' have been in power for many, many years and it will take all Americans working together to force them from power, they will not give up the 15% tax income quietly nor will they do so without a fight.  

As a Citizen you must first realize this is a SOCIAL game and there is no more SOCIAL aspect of this game than Politics and its factions. Second you MUST realize that Social Change doesn't happen over night in the Real World and it certainly won't happen here and third Social Change can not and will not happen without you the Citizen taking part. If you truly desire in game change then right now right here in this moment of virtual time you MUST be in Congress, even if you find Congress to be a Dictatorial Cesspool of Religious Hatred and Bigotry full of Terrorist Trolls who drive away any opposition to their 'Congressional Majority'; at this moment in time the 'Meta Lords' have all the power and that means you must enter the cesspool with the other sharks. If you are not there voicing your opposition to their Dictatorial Congressional Majority Rule then 'Congress shall organize itself as it sees fit.'

eUS Constitution

For those of you who don't wish to visit the above thread, don't have an account or have been blacklisted from Congress:

eUS Constitution

I. Governing Principle:
The two branches of government are the Executive and Congress. The branches conduct themselves based on how they and the Code define their internal and external procedures.

II. Congressional Principles:
1. Congress shall organize itself as it sees fit.

2. Congress controls the nation's money, holds authority and responsibility over allocation of tax revenue, and shall take under advisement expert opinion from the executive and military.

3. Any citizen or organization receiving funds from congress should employ those funds as indicated in the budget or funding request approved by congress.

4. In the case the eUS has no regions and there will be no in game congress, a shadow congress shall be created.  Each party will keep the same number of congress members as they received the previous month. The Party President of each non-PTO Top 5 Party will create a list of their members to be given congressional access.  Congress will then continue as it normally would.

III. Executive Principles:
1. The country president is the head of state, chief diplomat and Commander in Chief of the eUSA and its armed forces. The President as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces maintains complete control over the Armed Forces.  The country president may delegate power to congress or appoint advisers and aides to assist.

2. The country president appoints a cabinet, which administers all national programs which do not fall under the military or congress. Unless directed otherwise, programs created by Congress will transfer to the executive branch once the SoH approves of the transfer.

3. The country president may make proposals to congress which fall under his responsibilities as head of state, chief diplomat, Commander-in-Chief, and eUSA country president, after consultation with relevant bodies within the three branches if necessary.

4. As Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, the President may temporarily suspend funding of the military.  
Congress will then hold an immediate vote, approving or opposing this decision, lasting for 30 hours, where a majority decision is required.  The outcome of the Congressional vote determines whether funding resumes.

Now IMHO if America truly wants change, before striking the sentence 'Congress shall organize itself as it sees fit.' from the Constitution; the first Proposal that should be supported in Congress would be a change in the Congressional Sign In and Voting Procedure. Even though one Congress Member was censured for not following procedure, a procedure Congress Members had not been able to use in months; others thumb their noses at or believe they are too good to follow procedure and go uncensured. Therefore Congress needs to implement censure for members who do not follow Congressional Procedure; said censure to be implemented automatically. Therefore I would suggested the following US Constitutional changes, this would require a 2/3 majority as it is an Amendment and not a Code change; this Constitutional Amendment would aim to censure those who are unwilling to follow Congress Procedure:

The Code of the eUS - Title 1: Procedure

The Code of the eUS - Title 1: Procedure

1.11: Definition of a Quorum
A Quorum, the minimum number of votes necessary for any measure to become law whether those votes are “yes” votes, “no” votes, or abstentions which do not count toward quorum and are considered a non vote.

1.12: Initial Congressional Sign In
Newly elected Congress Members (hereafter "member") will be required to Sign in via a sign-in thread in the The Legislative Branch sub forum. Sign in shall last 48 hours and may not be extended. Congressional voting size shall be based on the number of members who sign in and the vote of those failing to Sign in will not be counted for the duration of the Congressional Session.

1.13 Requirement for Quorum to have been deemed reached
Quorum size shall be based on a weekly sign-in thread on the Public Congressional Proceedings sub forum, hereafter 'Quorum Voters'. Sign in will last 24 hours and may not be extended. If the number of sign-ins is odd, then Quorum Voters shall be half that number rounded up to the nearest integer. If the number of Quorum Voters is even, then quorum is half that number plus 1.

1.2 Discussions, Proposals, Votes, and Laws

1.21 Discussions
A Discussion thread may be started by any Member of Congress (hereafter "member"). Before a proposal can be made, a member must pose the subject for discussion and allow 24 hours to pass.

1.22 Proposals
Before a proposal may go to a vote ten members must approve an identically worded proposal. The proposal must be opened by the originator of the discussion thread for it to come to a vote. A proposal must be brought to a vote with 48 Hours of receiving 10 approvals and may not be extended, after 48 hours a proposal must start the process over.

1.23 Voting
Voting on proposals will last 24 hours and may not be extended. Only Quorum Voters may vote. Only votes in the form of "yes" "no" or "abstain" will be counted. Proposals that require a 2/3rd majority in game to execute will require a 2/3rd majority to pass. Only the member who opened the discussion may start a voting thread for a proposal after it reaches 10 approvals.

Earlier today President Gnilraps released  the article The Pretext, Purpose, Powers and Periphery of an eSupreme Court, wherin he presented the idea of an eSupreme Court as a counter balance to the Executive and Congressional bodies; for me personally this is an excellent idea and long over due. The 'Meta Lords' have created such bodies before and I will not try to add to the knowledge my Comrade and former Commander; I will simply state that I plan to give my full support to this endevor and I will be encouraging the Socialist Freedom Party to put its full support behind it also.

So once again let me say that if you want change then YOU must get involved in the cesspool of Politics. I encourage you to join a party and work toward change. I believe the song I provided for your enjoyment while reading my article presents my stand on change fairly accurately, IMHO change must come form the People Up rather than Government Down and should be done Democratically; however when a government -any government- becomes a Dioist Religious Inquisition and its hold on power is through a 'Congressional Majority' full of Terrorist Trolls it must be overthrown and therefore it becomes the moral obligation of its citizen to revolt -even if that means armed rebellion against the 'Congressional Majority'.

Join the Revolution and get involved with your government.

Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party and help bring about change.
Join the People's forums, Socialist Freedom Party Forum and interact with our Community of Activist.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.

Comrade Frank
Socialist Freedom Party
Strength & Honor
C'est la vie, mon chéri....