[To Our Dear Papa, dsalageanu] Your Forgotten Children, Wishing to be Requite

Day 498, 23:43 Published in Hungary Indonesia by Elros Elrond

---save us by subscribing this news paper... we wanna our Papa, dragos---

Dear Papa dsalageanu,

Although we're miles apart,

When you lived in the comforts of Bucharest, and we lay drenched in rains and heatstrokes in Java, scooping sands and debris for our meager meal, we always remember you.

We often dream that you will someday come and adopt us, the poor children of Serayu River.
Our contact with you are only from televisions and newspapers.

Televisions we could only nose and sneak watch from television shops, the papers where people used to wrap things and discarded.

We didn't care about how bad people say about you. We are already joyful and happy upon seeing your strong face. You emit fatherly love and radiance of compassion. You made us able to make through nights of shifting and carrying sacks after sacks of heavy sand.

When we are sick, we used to clutch to clippings of your news. We lived on and on, always hanging on the day you will someday come and adopt us.

Our mother who you used to love always told us to pray for your safety and welfare.
She never forgot you even once and she always taught us to love u. And we did and proud of you, Papa.
We also know of our step-brothers and sisters pictured in your nice home, and we knew their names by heart.

However things had grown worse lately. The government had banned our sand mining companies and put guards along the river. We have to find other jobs, and the number of street children had risen. For a moment, we're stunned to see so many other children suffering from having no families and no refuge to provide them safety, love, and care.

Lately, bro aufklarunx had grown ill. Doctor said that he had lungs diseases... there's blood in his lungs... he said because of too much diving to dig sand... we couldn't understand what he said... we have spent so many days begging on the street and doing odd-jobs just for our meal... but have no money for medicines...

Papa, we mail this letter with precious IDRs we have saved in a can.
Do remember us your forgotten children,

wishing to be adopted by you.

Or at least save our bro, aufklarunx.

Your chilren,

kariben99, PoNaRi, aufklarunx, elros_elrond.

PS: We love you, always