"Time has come when" - Amikor eljön az idő...

Day 384, 09:54 Published in Hungary Hungary by tekisszaa


Az alábbi levelet Fakkel-től kaptam, és megkért, hogy közvetítsem eMagyarországnak, szerintem igaza van...
Bizonyára úgy gondolta, hogy jók vagyunk szabadságharcban, mivel van párszáz évnyi gyakorlatunk😁
Egyenlőre csak az angol változat tekinthető meg, de dolgozom a fordításán, és minden ilyen jellegű segítségnek nagyon örülnék🙂

Dear tekissza,
I saw that you are a newspaper owner which is a great responsibility. I believe that when there is a danger of loosing freedom and sovereignty it is the duty of the world's newspaper to inform the people about the threat. I want to ask you something. I do not demand. This is just an ask. Would you be one of the newspaper that publish my warning to your people that the freedom and the sovereignty of the states of Europe is in danger. They are in a cramp and that cramp is made of Romania and Spain. I ask you to publish this little text and the link under them to inform the people that we cannot be insouciant, we cannot make place for carelessness. We have to stand against this threat. So as I said. If you want to help echoing this message by putting it into one of your article's bottom, if you agree with this campaign for freedom, please help.
Yours Sincerelly,
Time has come when the nations of Europe are in G-clamps. What is that tool? What is it good for? It is a tool whose designation is to take away your freedom, your sovereignty. The frame of this tool is Spain and the screw part is Romania.
Nations of Europe!
Rise before the pinch will be so horrible that you won't be able to breath the air of freedom!
Rise before you won't be able to move your body because of the chains!
Rise before you won't be able to shout into the world that WE ARE FREE!
Nations of Europe! Put your feet down! Nations od Europe! Rise!

Második levél:

Thanks for your fast reply. We need more people like you. We need more people like your who understand that these threats are not only the case of France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary or Slovenia but the spreading imperialism of the Romanians and the Spaniards is a threat against the FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY and SOVEREIGNTY of whole Europe. Again, thanks for your fast reply and your decision. Long live Hungary, long live the FREEDOM of Europe!
