[TIA] The Faerrie Queene

Day 1,433, 06:22 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

God damn it, I really want to start this article with words «I told you!..» But, nevertheless, we are not going to break with our notable tradition. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m glad to be with you again and today I’d like to talk about... classical literature. Actually, why not?..

Русская версия для тех, кто (как, собственно, и я) прогуливал английский в школе.

Alexander_Auctoritas is a great President and he has all needed abilities to be one. His first presidential term was successful if not magnificent. We got revenge de facto, Spain was punished. We got all we needed. It would be pretty logical (on this stage) to consolidate the gains and to recover our force after long and exhausting campaign in Europe.

The Patron of true Holinesse
foule Errour doth defeate;
Hypocrisie him to entrappe
doth to his home entreate.

We should find final solution to Spanish problem (I’d written about it earlier) because — and it was clear for anybody — these guys won’t give us a break even after total wipe-out. Future looked bright, our prospects were excellent. But everything was too awesome.

We made the same mistake which our enemy had done few weeks before. We overestimated our abilities and underestimated persistence of the opponent. Instead of securing our Eastern regions, we were involved in the new war which was not necessary at all.

Be well aware, quoth then that Ladie milde,
Least suddaine mischiefe ye too rash provoke:
The danger hid, the place unknowne and wilde,
Breedes dreadfull doubts: Oft fire is without smoke,
And perill without show: therefore your stroke,
Sir Knight, with-hold, till further triall made.

We didn’t start negotiations with enemy, we didn’t keep bonus regions. We just bound our second hand by our own decision. We opened second front by own decision. Ask Hitler, would he open second front by his own decision?… I really doubt it. It’s obvious, that every new important battle decrease our war performance exponentially.

It’s quite obvious too, that China and Brazil with Australian support could defeat Indonesia without any problem. It was matter of time only. But, doing against common sense, we let ourselves in for this war. Not because it was in interests of our alliance. Even not because it was in our narrow interests (it was rather against them). We did it just because WE CAN.

Their dam upstart, out of her den effraide,
And rushed forth, hurling her hideous taile
About her cursed head, whose folds displaid
Were stretcht now forth at length without entraile.

With all my respect to the current eU.S. decision-makers, I guess that the responsibility is shared to all of them equally. Nobody of more then 50 men in Congress, State Department or DoD didn’t stop this apparent madness. We rushed to the attack without any thinking of aftermath. By the way, let’s speak about aftermath. Here they are:

→ We lost 100% food bonus
→ Salaries fell almost by 25%
→ Food industry income fell by 30%
→ We have two fronts opened
→ Our territory is under Spanish attack

I’m sure we could avoid all of these. It was enough to stop this stupid war with Spain and to start resource swap with Canada. But it wasn’t done.

Tomorrow is the election day, and that’s why, respected U.S. citizen, I ask you to fly to glorious Maryland state and to vote for me as a candidate from USWP, which president was the only one who generously invited me to bail out from their name.

Congress need skilled strategists, who are able to see catastrophe before it happens. I have huge experience and I guarantee that it will serve well to America.

Here I want to thank you for your attention and tell you good bye,
Respectfully yours,