[TIA] Stop, before it's too late!

Day 1,395, 08:43 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

→ Here is Russian version for my readers from eRussia and eUkraine. Русская версия по ссылке.

«…did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?»

Do you think you're fighting against Pizza the Hut? Do you think you are affirming yourselves by exterminating the opposition? No. You are fighting against yourselves. Before you ask: No, I do not support PtH, I suppport the American way.

You're indulge the aliens that tell you to attack your countrymen only because they don't share your opinion. You're weak-willed sheep, manipulated by a group of smarter and calculating migrants. You're ready to tear out each others' throats to clear the way for the uninvited guests. They will always support the avaracious and the unprincipled, those who are ready to serve their interests, and you are ready to do anything to get their support.

They finger your brother and you, with a jouous yelp, tear him apart. You've traded in your ideals, self-identification and pride to satisfy your animal instinct.

I came to the eUSA to become a member of your society, society that is able to defend itself. Society that evolves and assimilates, not adapts to someone else's rules. Society that recognizes itself, not give in to degradation.

Look at yourselves, you're the laughing stock of the whole eWorld! Look how one clown empties his buckets of filth upon your brother, and how happy you are because of it! Have you never thought that tomorrow you might take his place? You don't realize that nowadays, by fighting the aliens, you are becoming a target for those who you are fighting for. Look at this, and be ashamed, be terrified!

O American, Where Art Thou?