[TIA] Son…

Day 1,471, 12:44 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

Русскоязычным посонам — в этом памфлете хохол доказывает свое превосходство над слабовато-неубедительными претендентами на пост президента СШАшки. Вотайте, и я всех нагну. Спасибо.

Intelligence? Oh, man, I created one of the most effective intelligence services in the world and ran it alone for more than a year. 😑

Management of the alliance? Lol man, I brought Russia to Terra as mother who brings her child to school. I do not even want to think about the work as Emerick's deputy when he was HQ there and Glove.

Work in the Foreign Ministry/Department of State? My dear friend, I have been working there longer than you play this game. In three different countries.

Together with Glove, we can find something in common with people in 15 different languages. But you know what… This does not mean anything at all. Absolutely.

You can become a good president. To do so you need to practice. Approximately for one month, if you know what I mean...

Together with Glove, we crushed enemies and fought for the glory of our state. There was even time when we were enemies, we were fighting on different sides of the front. But there was something that united us. We were the best in the business we ran. But I think this is not the right time and place for training. So…

Son, this job is for those who are willing to take responsibility for the future of this great country, and who knows what to do in such situations.
