[TIA] Radiation therapy

Day 1,091, 01:32 Published in Russia USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

Hello, dear readers. It has been over 17 days since I last published an article, apologies for such a delay. Today I'll try to make up for it with great material. And yeah, BlackSabbath it firstly.

Design, translation and proofreading of this article cost me more than 6 gold. If you want to support me — you can send any amount of gold to my account, and I guarantee that it will be spent only to further journalistic activities. Also, I ask you to do me a favor and not to forget to vote for the article and subscribe to my newspaper.

All that time my work has been unnoticeable, but, nevertheless, not unproductive, as I am happy to report. As an ally of the president, I am working on a project for an updated immigration programme. I've developed a beta version that accounts for 3 special and useful methods of acquiring USA citizenship, with further assimilation into our community. My goal was to strengthen our economy, armed forces, and give foreigners an opportunity to join the best in-game community. You can get acquainted with the results of my work by following this link. As far as I know, the project is currently pending congress approval, and, hopefully, we'll soon be able to implement it.

Several days ago I've also been appointed deputy Secretary General of TERRA. I'd like to thank Emerick for the trust he placed in me. I've dedicated my work as dSG to one ubergoal - cooperation between EDEN and TERRA. That I'd like to elaborate on.

As we all understand, the only thing that prevents us from gaining the upper hand in the conflict with ONE is the lack of cooperation. Naturally, ONE also understands this, and does whatever it can to prevent us from working together with each other. And, as you may see, they've been doing a good job so far. Inter-alliance wars, anger, and other vices are destroying us from the inside. Vanity, thinly veiled by rationalizations like "We won't abandon our old allies", cowardice, and other disgusting things, are destroying our ability to defend ourselves from the inside like maggots. Perhaps some will consider this rudeness on my part, but I feel I must speak about these things as they are. We are past the point of worrying about niceties. Our lack of unity is cancer, and before we can defeat it we must remove the metastasis.

Metastasis #1. The conflict between Taiwan and South Korea. We are losing millions of influence daily. That is sabotage. That's unforgivable ignobility. I want all citizens of occupied EDEN and TERRA countries to know just who they have to thank for us not having the last ounce of strength we need to win the last round of an epic battle. Send a "Thanks for cooperation" message to the leaders of Taiwan and South Korea. Those people don't deserve to call themselves our friends while they do everything to make a bad situation worse. And I want them to know it.

Metastasis #2. Pro-Turkish sentiments in the USA. Perhaps what I'm about to say will cost me dearly, but who else would? Friends, I have seen terrible things. I fully understand that many players endowed with American citizenships have negative feelings towards Greece, and, even though most of them speak Turkish and think Johnny Cash was the 38th president of the USA, we must respect their opinion. We can contingently classify them into 2 groups: those who sympathize with Turkey and those who try to get INCI's sympathy. I don't know which is more disgusting, nevertheless... ONE, like poison, has seeped into our country's blood. It persists within all of those who still support Turkey and harbor old grudges towards Greece. Friends, you must be stronger! Do not let the enemy manipulate you, leaving us in this perilous slumber! Be brave, remember Turkey has no sympathy for us. Turkey destroyed Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Bulgaria - all our allies. And, should they have the opportunity, they will do the same unto us. Know that, by supporting Turkey and holding grudges against Greece, you are hammering nailed into the coffins of your true friends. Shout a resounding «NO!» to collaborationism!

Metastasis #3. The conflict between Japan and China. That thoroughly meaningless conflict is based on the weak-willedness and excess intolerance of our Chinese allies, as well as unforgivable sassiness of Japanese representatives. China saved Russia from Serbia, having done what was thought impossible, but such a mighty empire has managed to fall victim to dangerous influence coming from the small Japan. That problem is only based on an inability of both sides to find some common ground. And everybody must know, that this is an act not worthy of a country that has made so much for EDEN and TERRA. Trying to stroke their egos, these countries are unwilling to accept a peaceful solution, and until such a time that this situation changes, it will be another reason for our inability to deliver the deciding blow in a critical battle. I ask you to join my protest and send messages to Chinese and Japanese presidents, calling them to end their conflict.

Metastasis #4. The Argentinian situation. We have great allies in South America. They're great people — faithful allies, reliable helpers willing to save our ass at the most critical of times. And we must be grateful for that. But even after ONE has staged a series of resistances in Argentinian colonies, they continue to work together with Indonesia and Turkey. The conflict with Greece and disgusting Indonesian propaganda, the same Indonesia that betrayed all of its allies to gain ONE membership, are the reasons a part of our combat potential is being destroyed. I don't believe that the idiotic articles of the loser-journalist Ostin and other similar clowns are the reason Argentina would let their true friends be destroyed, friends that are actually willing to help them out in a tight spot, unlike Indonesia and Turkey. You can always repeat the fate of Britain, but also you can keep your dignity and honor.

Russia is an example to follow. That allied country has shown true grit during many complex geopolitical transformations. Russians are very hard and straightforward people, who are accustomed to doing things fast and with a focus. Russians have been warring with Romania and Ukraine for the longest time. But they have tried to maintain ties with Serbia, the only truly fraternal country for them in RL. What has Serbia repaid them with? Signed an alliance with Poland and Hungary, and tried to destroy Russia. But justice has triumphed, and Moscow has been revenged by the burning of Belgrade. We all know how Indonesia has acted then (poor trolling), and what Turkey is doing now (harassing a weakened Russia). Today, Ukraine is an ally of Russia, and Romanians are participating in the liberation of Russian regions. Let that story be a lesson to us all.

Friends! Enough! Stop covering under the thread-bare blanket of trying to help old allies. You are deluding yourself and hurting your real friends! Get enough bravery to do everything needed to get rid of the cancer ravaging EDEN and TERRA. We must do this, or we will be destroyed. We don't have much time. Everything rests on your shoulders.

Hail EDEN! Hail TERRA! Our cause is just, the enemy will be destroyed, and victory will be ours!

Deputy Secretary General of TERRA, presidential advisor,
PVT Alexandr Sunbeliever III, USAB 101/2