[TIA] Live! клепаниe ребрендинга для МО. Vol 23.

Day 1,059, 08:45 Published in Russia USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

In our hard time, when most of our heroes are permabanned or in such deep 2-klick, that they should better been permabanned — we need somebody who can turn the tide with his charisma, intelligence, experience, and huge dick ability to organize people for new great achievements. This hero of our time, which will be able to combine the vast experience of all the past rulers of America and to adapt the country to the dynamically changing external environment. This person must be more than just another fag from another one party, but the real leader of the glorius nation.

He should be like Jesus, which cleanse the land of America from flawed Poles and Servs. This man will make your girlfriend wet like a bitch, his awesomness should cure people from cancer, AIDS and homosexuality at the same time. Obviously, no one else can match the popularity and the majesty of this mastodon of world geopolitics. This person has an experience of presidency, and cooperation with international alliances.

As you may have guessed, we are talking about me. On the next presidential election I will be Glove seconds, and if Satan does not affect the election results - Vice-President of the United States of America. Perhaps, he is not as steep as I do, and he had sex with fewer women at the same time than I have, but I guarantee you that if in some unexpected way the devil will be able to stop his crusade move to Spain - I'll cover his ass.