[TIA] Dear Canada…

Day 1,364, 04:43 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

Dear Canada,

You're a member of our cute alliance and we love you very much. But we, it seems, have a misunderstanding. Canada, what the f I can't understand, why your president still isn't impeached? Because he is doing more harm to our glorious alliance than some of ONE's thugs. Why are Emericka, Russia, Brozil, and others must fight as hell while you waste millions of damage in battles, that drain not only your damage, but also that of Terra and EDEN's 2-clickers?

Why must we risk our hides, while you're so afraid that you must hide behind us and sacrifice the common good for some ridiculous mission? Do you need NE? Declare war on Spain (via the protuguese region) or Britain! Don't be a pussy! I don't care about Portugal after they've left us, even though they could help us in Mexico. But you, canadians, are our allies. And you must fight for us, and not for ONE.

Thank you for your attention,