[The Unity Party] Goodbye, Good Luck!

Day 542, 04:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Dear Friends,

I'm writing to you now for the last time as Unity Party leader. I decided this term not to re-stand, because the Unity Party is a party of new blood, new changes, new direction. When I first came to office two months ago, I had a plan for the Unity Party. My plan involved building a structure in which a mere 20 or so forum active Unity Party leaders could manage a party in a manner reminiscent of real life. The goal was to establish a constitution, regular members conferences, manifestos, organised planning for every election and all round a party that we can count on.

I think that this has been achieved now. Our mission has moved on. Both John Forseti and Teh User have visions of what the Unity Party will be like in a months time. The biggest challenge is to utilise our members and our structures to bring new blood into politics, continuing the endless TUP push: new people into the bottom, old people out the top. I will be taking myself to Romania to attempt to push back the endless hordes of Hungary and Indonesia. But my heart will still be with TUP in the UK, and I will take whatever role is asked of me in the new party.

When I ran for election two months ago, I did something never done before in TUP. I messaged the entire party asking for their vote. When I finally finished, I had sent 238 messages, to citizens of every region. Now, John and Teh User have to send 431. I think that a big party requires a different attitude to a small one. Two months ago I estimated TUP's active membership as being around 120. Now it is around three hundred. That means we pack a punch second only to UKRP at election time, but it also means we have a responsibility to the country to provide candidates worth voting for. If you want to run as a TUP candidate, I urge you to sign up on the forums so we can approve you through the official channels. With the number of retiring MPs we have, there will be a place for you somewhere.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to the members. Although I like to think I'm fairly popular with my own party, the rest of the political community is very divided. I like to think that most of them respect my abilities, but my politics have been controversial. At times, all that has kept me going has been the party. To all those congress members, party leaders, and friends on the forums, thank you. Best wishes in the future,

Iain Keers