[The eMazing Race] - Contestants

Day 535, 21:14 Published in USA South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

On day 537, six contestants will experience all the wonders that The New World has to offer, as they compete against each other by exploring new eNations, solving puzzles and experiencing other eCultures.

The contestant who can make it through to the end of this 15-day competition will be awarded with 10 gold!

Ladies and gentleman, it gives me great pleasure to present your six eMazing Race contestants.

Representing eAustralia - Mrs Smith
Representing eBrazil - El Loco Abreu
Representing eIndia - Swathikrishnan
Representing eRomania - VaiSiAmar
Representing eUnited Kingdom - Shaun Rooney
Representing eUSA - CHeesyQueso

Each racer has been sent five moving tickets which they will use on their travels around The New World.

The race will start on day 537 when the first destination and clue will be revealed.

I wish all the racers the best, and look forward to covering the race through this publication.

Bon Voyage!

You can follow the race as it unfolds by subscribing to The eFinancial Review