[The Don] It's PP Time!

Day 1,971, 15:17 Published in India India by DonMogul

HEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE. I'm sorry. After I wrote that headline I could not resist that.

Can I get a high five from all my fellow Indians with a sense of humour?

Don't leave me hanging here!

DonMogul Stands for Party President of YUUVA

We at YUUVA owe Alias Vision a lot. He stepped up and gave this party much needed structure, guidance and leadership something that has been a little lacking here in recent times.

It seems AV does not wish to run for another term as head of our party and this has me concerned.

Who will fill his shoes?

Who will organise the Party?

Who will lead the Party?

I can!

Put your trust in me my fellow Party members! And we shall grow this Party!

(HEHEHEHEEHE see what I did there?)

The Plan for the Coming Month

I intend to build on Alias Vision's excellent work. My main focus will be in the following:

*Continuing the practice of having a Primary poll in order to avoid split votes
*Allowing more Party members into discussions of Party policy
*Giving our younger citizens a greater role in Indian life

These are small plans.

But mighty oaks from little acorns grow.