★ The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. ★

Day 1,217, 09:00 Published in United Arab Emirates Russia by Al' Capone

A duplicate of this article is on the forum in this topic.

How often do we encounter a situation where absolutely means nothing? Injustice, fatal events that without our participation still happen, even if we go to their heads, doing things from which we ourselves will be surprised? Agree that such periods in life is for everyone. Someone rarely have someone constantly, but all this in real life, not in the game.
Here in eRepublik, with proper desire can do anything, regardless of whether ordained destiny of Malaysia victory or loss of any uprising in Peru.
However, today I realized that in this game we are not supermens, but only a dolls. We are like skittles, which can do nothing to oppose the huge, looming like a snowball, a bowling ball or run away from him.
You may ask what I mean? And I'll tell you. 🙂

Yesterday's Sunday night, Romania does not expect to see at once 3 Uprising and the usual "dessert" of Hungary. Everywhere she suffered defeat, but .. not long music played.
My focus is very much attracted the battle for the Republic of Moldova; it attracted me because I was personally involved in it and helped friends to release their own country, simultaneously rooting for Turkey.
In order not to waste your time, and immediately say what I mean, I turn to the arguments, which try to describe the fatality and the inability to change anything, which is now befell me, and hundreds of other players.

Would you like to kill their enemies with one finger, like ants? I think many would like. You can not? Envy, Radu Pangaiu can!

I suggest taking a look here at this video:

It perfectly illustrates the monotony of battle, in which our wonder-player inflicts influence even blow by blow. Exactly, precisely, without delay - the perfect fighter. All is good, but it is impossible. And it is impossible for this reason: Administration a few days ago changed the formula for dealing damage, because of which kill an enemy with one blow will not possible. It does not matter, in the tank you or have only a water pistol. But Radu can do everything.

From round to round, from hour to hour our friend the same amount of influence inflicted, and stayed at around one million. It is like a game of cat and mouse with yourself and enjoy it. You know, since I thought that he had decided to spend a "month's supply of Gold", as ironic joke to the forum moderator, on WP, but because of new developments of the Administration that thought disappeared, because he had to do a few punches, because four thousand naked unarmed enemies can meet only in dreams. Consequently, it is not WP.
"Then it can be a" Rocket Launcher "! (Instant Defeat) - I thought and began to measure the amount of HP at our hero.

Back to our video (see 1:40)

As you can see, HP is in constant change. Let me remind you that "Rocket Launcher" is not wasting health when you use it, so there is every reason to believe that it he does not even touched.
So what is it? What is this ambrosia with which Radu causes 11 million damage?

I play to eRepublik, to get pleasure from it and I think that you, my friends, here for the same reason.
This article, I do not want to shout the slogan, "Enter limit on the WP!", "Let me play properly!" or something like that. I will not criticize the administration, as had the opportunity many times in person to communicate with her in Skype,the forum in the game and always got the answers and help.
I have only ask one question, perhaps rhetorically - do you like it when one player, even with the help of thousands of euros, chuckling over the hundreds of people from different countries, united by one goal? Does a one-time profit is more important than the views of thousands of players? who spend their time here, in a place where they do not mean anything?

Lose confidence in a very simple, but it back again will be the heavy. But such moments only trampled in the dirt all faith, hope and desire to do anything. Trampled so much that be returned that respect is impossible.

Comprehended disappointment:
President of the United Arab Emirates, Al Capone.