[TH]o The ultimate enemy test

Day 1,072, 04:19 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Thingol

Much has been said recently about the PTO attempt that has been undertaken by a big number of new citizens, mainly from Serbia. Some call these people enemies, and others say, that they have the same right to rule New Zealand as the people who built it up in the first month. I want to investigate this subject further.

Of course ethics are subjective. I have to refer to my own feeling of right and wrong. My picture of the average eRepublik player is that he wants to build up and not to destroy. He wants to build up his skills and experience, maybe his own business and wealth, and maybe a political career. Maybe he even wants to have a nice war from time to time and conquer regions of other countries - but I dare to say that at a 50% chance of losing his own assets, the average player would not attack. This is why I named my party the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party. Another point is that the average player is quite honest and hates to be cheated. Now I call those people enemies who violate these principles and make New Zealand a worse place to live for the described average citizen.

A. During the congress elections

Generally, parties are fighting each other at elections. This is democracy. I my opinion all parties should respect forum democracy, too, and nominate the candidates according to the primary elections - but as we do not have a constitution in place that would officially install forum democracy as a part of New Zealand's framework, I cannot demand that everybody must submit to this. I can only hope that we will soon have such a constitution.

So far, no enemies detected. However, I noticed two unfair actions by the party which is today named New New Zealan😛
1. The party was temporarily renamed to N. Z. U. P. which was a clear attempt to trick voters of The New Zealand Union Party.
2. The party received votes from multis that were later removed by the admins.

This is not how honest people want to play the game. I am giving two enemy points to New New Zealand for these actions.

B. After the congress elections

Are there enemies in our congress?

We don't know it yet. There are mainly people from two groups in our congress: people who won the primary elections and members of the party which is today named New New Zealand. This alone does not constitute enemies (see above). We will see from the future actions who is acting in New Zealand's best interest and who is not. In between, you can make a little enemy test I prepared for you:

1. Are you willing to preserve New Zealand's integrity and help it keep its regions?

2. Are you willing to help New Zealand grow, both in population and in economy?

3. Are you willing to set taxes and other parameters in a way that supports competitive companies and rewards diligent workers?

4. Are you willing to use New Zealand's national funds and tax income only for New Zealand's benefit?

5. Are you willing to accept a constitution, providing an additional democracy framework besides the weak eRepublik game mechanisms?

6. Are you willing to grant citizenship only to these people who have the same intentions?

How many enemy points have you got? 😉