[TH]o My programme for the upcoming presidential term

Day 957, 15:15 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear citizens of Thailand!

For the younger citizens who don't know me, I may introduce myself. Being one of the long-term citizens of Thailand, I have served as a member of congress 13 times, twice as the Minister of Economy, and already once as the country president. This was 7 months ago, after we got again PTO'd by Indonesia.

This time we have the rare case of undisturbed presidential elections. All 4 candidates are members of the eThai society. You may trust each of us, even the Dane. 😉
No one will run away with the national property after receiving the key to the Central Bank.

Now what are the upcoming challenges and who is the best candidate to lead Thailand through the upcoming month?

V2 Migration

The big topic of July is the migration to Erepublik V2. This migration is a huge challenge for Thailand, because we are a small country. The new, more complex economic model with its additional products and specialization of skills is more suited for larger economies. You can read more in my previous article. To ensure that our country will not only survive this earthquake but even draw a benefit, is my major goal.

Economics has always been my favorite topic in Erepublik, and I think that I can very well serve the country in this critical phase.

National Security

Apart from creating economic value, there is another priority topic: foreign affairs. Small as we are, we are living in a continuous threat of getting conquered or getting PTO'd. And the best economic plan will not succeed if you lose the power to implement it. In the last months Indonesia was the primary source of danger to Thailand. I want to change this. I remember times when Thailand was even an ally of Indonesia. Maybe these times are gone, and I must say that I am happy with our current allies - but still there is room to improve our relation with Indonesia. We can easily state that we are no danger to them or to our other neighbors.

Thailand is one of the smallest countries by population, and Thailand is located in a quiet corner of this world. Only one of our regions borders other countries. We are not big enough to play an important role in world politics, and we will not be for quite some time. We are not strong on the battlefield either, and we do not have high resource areas. We deserve to be left in peace, and I will communicate this.

My other plans for the next weeks include:

* Provide daily training wars (as soon as admins allow them again).
* Evaluate joining another alliance besides Sol.
* Re-establish formal procedures for law proposals.
* Set the tax rates for the new industries.
* Revive our army and introduce new coordination methods suited for V2 style battles.
* Encourage higher forum/chat activity.

The latter is vital. In a small community like ours, every small contribution counts. Don't hesitate to move yourself into the spot light. It is easy to get heard or even to get assigned to a government position in eThailand. If you are interested, drop me a message.