[TH]o My plans for the Donate gold to Central Bank party

Day 788, 14:19 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

This may be a surprise to many people, but I have been elected as the new president of the former Jedi party. Nobody else wanted to be party president there ... 😉

Of course, after the Jedi have left Thailand, there is not much need for this party. The two main forces in the country are the eThai and the eIndonesian, and both have already their own party, respectively. Hence I do not intend to give this third party a political programme or any other sort of profile. Maybe there will be a need for a third party again later.

My plan for this party is simply to keep it away from becoming a platform for congress gold hunters. I would even delete the party, if I could. As this is not possible, I am doing two things:

1. The congress gold rule

Every party member who wants to run for congress must agree in writing to donate the 5 gold he/she receives when winning the congress elections to the Central Bank of Thailand. Active citizens who are young and need part of the gold for themselves can apply for a reduced fee of 2 gold. This should allow "poor" citizens to run for congress, too. This is however no promise that I will grant such a reduced fee to anyone. The decision will be made for each single case.

BTW, I encourage the two other party presidents to copy this rule and put it in force in their parties, too.

2. The enforcement

To be able to enforce the congress gold rule, I will need many candidates. Only if I have a choice I can prevent the gold hunters from running for congress. This is a call: Join the party and run for congress!

Apart from congress elections, there are two more relevant topics:

Party gold

I will use the party gold for advertisements. Feel free to submit ideas for ads that will help Thailand to grow and prosper.

Presidential elections

The &quot😉onate gold to Central Bank" party will support Jeff Hamilton in the upcoming presidential elections.