[TH]o Complete this tax reform!

Day 780, 00:04 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

A few weeks ago we have finalized the discussion on our tax reform. Guess what - we are still not ready with the implementation! This is really poor performance. I have used my 2 law proposals on this, but they were voted down without stating a reason.

Details of the tax reform are here. In brief, we want to set

Income Tax: 5%
Import Tax: 10%
VAT: 1%

for manufacturing and construction and

Income Tax: 50%
Import Tax: 1%

for raw materials. The latter is more a priority now, because when I checked today, the highest paying skill 0 job offer was from a grain company, thus leading babies to start a land worker career which is totally wrong in a country like Thailand that will never be competitive in raw materials due to the lack of high raw material regions. As a short term solution I put up a higher offer with one of my companies, but PLEASE complete this tax reform now and set the taxes as described above for
1. Grain
2. Iron
3. Oil
4. Wood
5. Diamonds

(yes, in exactly this order). After that, continue with
6. Houses
7. Food
8. Hospitals
9. Defense Systems

These are 9 useful law proposals. If you are a member of congress, do your duty and
a) propose these laws and
b) vote yes on them.