[TH]n How to work despite a lack of raw materials

Day 962, 10:04 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

As in V2 raw materials are used up quickly in most manufacturing and construction companies, many of you will encounter the problem that you cannot work because there are no raw materials in the company. In V1 the best solution was to quit and to look for a better job. Now, at the beginning of V2, there are not many good jobs available. Hence I propose a better solution:

Stay at the company and work with your own raw material!

Raw materials are incredibly cheap in V2. If you have an organization, you can simply purchase one unit of iron, stone or whatever this company needs, and donate this single unit to the company. And then be quick and be the first to hit the "Work" button after you have donated. Game mechanics allow you to work for 12 hours with this single unit of raw material, and you will get your full salary. You will not create a high value when working this style, and maybe the manager of your company will not be happy - but it is his own responsibility to care for enough raw materials. And some managers may even be happy if you do it this way instead of quitting your job, particularly when you are a valuable employee with high skills!
