[TH]n How to win a cheap Battle Hero Medal on your own

Day 940, 12:52 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

While I am not active in politics these days, I managed to complete one of my secondary goals in the game: winning a battle hero medal before V2. I have never been an expert in military. My favorite topic is economy. But still I had success with my strategy, and I want to share it with you in this article. Military experts who might know better strategies or improvements in details, are encouraged to comment on this article and share their knowledge, too.

1. Be strong

I had waited until my strength had reached 36 before I started to go for a medal. OK, this is extreme, and I don't expect everybody to match my patience. I just want to point out that higher strength gives you more damage per gold invested into the battle. If you try it too early, you will use up your gold and a stronger guy will catch the medal.

2. Be equipped

I built up a stock of 20 Q5 weapons in one org and 20 Q1 gifts in another and a few Q1 weapons and 3 moving tickets in my own inventory. Everything was bought at nearly lowest world market prices. This needs preparation too, for example having one org placed in Sweden where cheap Q5 weapons are seen quite often. I think that it is better to purchase the weapons when there are not many active battles in the world, and then use them when weapons prices have risen.
Having additional 16 gold in cash is needed in case you really have to use all your Q5 weapons with the help of wellness packs.

3. Be prepared

Watch international wars. Some battles occur on a regular basis, and you can learn how much damage you typically need to deal there for a battle hero medal.
Apart from that, there are several obligations in your e-life. If you want to be ready to depart at any time without causing problems, please check the following list:
* Contact your employer. He might run into problems if you leave suddenly without giving prior notice. (Remark: This will be even more important when V2 introduces specialization.)
* Don't miss an election day in Thailand.
* If you are a party president, quit only if a reliable Thai will succeed you in this position.
* If you are a congress member, quit only if the Thais have a stable majority in congress.
* If you are a congress member, use up your proposals before you quit. There is always some foreign currency to donate to the Central Bank of Thailand, and the other congress members will be able to gain experience.

4. Be clever

Choose your battle wisely. I took a resistance war that showed less than 10 fighters after already 3 hours of battle time. The current battle hero had only 2380 damage points, and I knew that I can reach over 3000 per day without using a wellness pack. This tool helps you find such battles:
And of course I moved to an involved region that provided a Q5 hospital.

5. Be quick

The best case would be to identify such a battle close to its end and make the last 5 minutes your big time. But others may have the same idea. Additionally, it is more efficient to combine your damage from 2 fighting days. Thus I preferred the strategy to show my flag earlier. I moved there and did an initial damage of 4000 points, also using one wellness pack just to show that I am willing to spend gold there. No one challenged me then, and on the second day I did not need to use wellness packs. Another 6 fights (just using gifts for the 6th) were enough.

6. Be happy

Even if you do everything right, there is still a chance to run into an opponent who defeats you. If you succeed, be happy that it worked out and gladly accept your medal. 🙂


My total cost were about 8.4 gold for 11 Q5 weapons, 2 Q1 weapons, 20 gifts, 1 wellness pack, and 2 moving tickets.
My earnings were 4.8 gold from the Treasure Map awarded for gaining the Battle Hero achievement, resulting in net cost of 3.6 gold. Nice, isn't it?