[TH]c Low Cost Tickets operating in anti-mafia mode

Day 564, 12:37 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol
Within the next few hours, Low Cost Tickets will switch to the anti-mafia mode.

Mafia's current law proposal will set the income tax of our employees to 50%, and set the VAT on moving tickets to the same crazy value. As a first reaction, we will minimize Mafia's income from taxes by implementing the following countermeasures:

1. All employees will receive a "white" salary of 2 THB.

2. All employees will receive a "black" salary that covers the difference between their old salary and the aforementioned 2 THB.
This "black" salary will be paid via donation and will thus be tax-free. This way, employees do not have to pay the new income tax of 50% on the major part of their salaries. I plan to check every day close to midnight who has worked and then make the donations according to my Excel sheet.

3. Moving tickets will only be sold via direct sales. If you need tickets, just send a message and donate the money to Credit Suisse Holdings - A.

The following price list is valid until a change is announced in this paper:
1 ticket = 25 THB
2 tickets = 48 THB
5 tickets = 115 THB
10 tickets = 220 THB

Ask for prices and availability of higher volumes. All purchases are tax-free.

I encourage managers of other companies to apply this or a similar model to their business.
Let's minimize the state income and thus Mafia's potential to steal money from our treasury.