[TC] Swedens president gone missing!

Day 1,604, 05:48 Published in United Kingdom Sweden by Oscdar

Swedens newly elected president Thaimat is gone missing and at the moment noone knows what have happened to him. Even though many have tried to contact him, noone have been able to. The Correspondent got the insider story.

Have you seen this shrimp? If you have, then please contact Swedish authority.

Article by: Oscdar

The Background Story

Thaimat who is a pretty young player have only been playing for 6 months, but have worked his way up and have allready been a part of the Swedish government twice, and is one of the co-founders of the Swedish University.

He has a past in Swedens third largest party FHD where he were Party President for a couple of days and the RageQuitted because of minor criticism within the party. He then joined FBS, Swedens second largest party.

Before The Election

In the end of March Swedens second largestparty FBS decided to choose Thaimat as their official president candidate for the April election. This created large intensive discussions on the eSwedish forum regarding this and Thaimat showed great interest for the position. He presented his intentions as president and seemed very enthusiastic and had alot of ideas.

Thaimat then contacted FHD, the party which he RageQuitted, and asked for their support in the upcoming election. When FHD voted on this matter the ones who wanted to support him won with only one vote. FHDs demands were that they would get certain government posts, one of them beeing vice Coutry Pvesident. Another demand was that Lonestar would not get any official government posts sice FHD have the general opinion that he have made one too many critical decisions earlier in the government. Thaimat approved of this and that led to FHD officially supporting Thaimat.

Swedens newly merged and largest party NG later chose to support Thaimat in the lack of candidates of their own. This meant that Thaimat seemed to be the only serious candidate in the election so far.

Thaimat also contacted MSAP to make sure that they had a candidate for the president post, in case of a possible impeachment. But MSAP missed their chance to choose a candidate since the last day to add a candidate was the 2nd, which they missed.

Thaimat seemed very engaged in the president campain and really seemed determined to structure up Sweden to become an better coutry. He released a total of 3 articles where he explained to the public what he wanted to accomplish if he won which he did.

The Situation

After the election Thaimat quickly released his planned government for the month of April. FHD had only gotten2 posts, and none of them were the once they had been promised. The second demand about Lonestar not getting a government position had been ignored and he was once again MoD. It also became clear that members of FHD contacted Thaimat before the election and showed interest in different government posts, but been ignored.

FHD became furious with Thaimat and the general mood of the Swedish community sunk deeply. After a while FHD decided to resign from the government completely in protest of Thaimats actions. ( The official resignation article )

After a couple of days the new government had yet to be announced and people tried to contact him. But Thaimat had completely vanished from the Swedish soil without any traces or anyone knowing anything about where he's at. Some say that it has to be IRL problems, but others mean that he have once again RageQuitted because of criticism.

What's next?

At the moment the assigned vice President Lemlin will be in charge, but not as President since that is not possble. But he will run the country through the forum and give orders to the Swedish Millitary. Lemlin claims that everything is under control, and that if necessary Essess, president candidate for notorious FRONT, will co-operate together with Lemlin in the event of an Impeachment.

forswers notes
Lemlin, vCP of Sweden

Untill next time