[TC] Nordic Alliance Avatar! Get yours now!

Day 1,725, 08:47 Published in Sweden Sweden by Oscdar

The crew behind The Correspondent and TxT Loan AB are proud to present the first Nordic Alliance Avatar made so that You can show your pride and support in beeing part of the future Nordic Alliance and it's movement!

Article by: Oscdar

We at TC have put together a little Avatar with the Nordic Alliance flag, the alliance name inscripted in a Chromed font together with a cool Chrome border to make it all fall into place very well with any Player's avatar.

If You want to get this new avatar just PM Oscdar with the link to your Avatar Element (The thing representing you/your picture) possibly with a transparent background (f.ex in the format .png) and Donate 100CC and you will have your New Nordic Alliance Avatar within minutes!

Lowered price by popular demand!

The avatar will by default be 150x150, perfect sizes for both eRepublik.com and any other forum. If you wish any further sizes just write so in Your PM and add 20cc to the Donation.

Satisfied customers:
President Heinrich von Helldorf
Kain Propan
Jonatan Svensson Gladh
Mr. Stevens

Untill next time