[TC] Neppons lucky chain of events

Day 1,719, 17:04 Published in Sweden Sweden by Oscdar

Recently a chain of events and announcements have created a rather unusual but still very suiting situation for the Swedish population, there among the favorite President Candidate and formidable citizen Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf.
The Correspondent have the story!

Article by: Oscdar

Our future President?

After Wolf Heinrich (known as Neppons) announced his candidency for the Swedish President post with the goal to create a new Scandinavian alliance, several events have given him an extra chance of actually reaching his goals for the nation.

The fact that the opposition candidate Forswer representing FBS, who wanted to keep eSweden in ONE, dropped his candidency in the last minute will with great certainty give Wolf a lead in the "struggle" for the President Post. Forswer ran for president last month and suffered a burning defeat against oldtimer Volcker with only one vote. He resigned his presidency yesterday claiming that he had IRL problems that would get in the way of his presidency. We here at TC wish him good luck IRL and hope that this is not his last time logging onto eRep.

And then yesterday evening the 3rd and 4th biggest eSwedish parties, the left oriented FHD and MSAP announced their support for Nationalgardets future candidate Neppons with the motivation of wanting change on the political battlefield. This is indeed a great victory for Neppons as he by that point have secured the Red votes and voters. Though speculations of bribery within MSAP have been made no proof of the wild accusations have been presented except a reconstructed PM not relevant to the situation stating that MSAP searched funding for their MU as one of the points of the agreement in exchange for their support of the now resigned FBS candidate Forswer. Forswer was also the one to present this accusation in the Comment Section of MSAPs support article.

The greatest news of all, which have not yet been published in eSwedish media untill now, is the announcement of the ONE dissolvement.
The former great alliance ONE containing Poland, Serbia, Spain among other, including Sweden, have been declared dissolved since the most powerful countries of the alliance have chosen to leave the alliance.

This gives Neppons alot more room for his refreshing alliance policies where Sweden of course also have been "freed" from the alliance and can now choose freely whom to bond with for the future greatness of our proud nation.

What is left to be asked is if this election will give the same result as the "Thaimat Accident" which you can read more on here in TC. Since the second largest partys candidate have now declared AFK this could result in catastrophy if the Congress decides to impeach Neppons for actions they seem as fatally for our great nation. Then there will be no other serious candidate for the President post to take over. This have, as mentioned earlier, happened before.

And we here at TC hope that you as a voter will not worry about this since Wolf is a far more experienced citizen and President then Thaimat who were a new player known for his lack of self criticism. And moreover commented Forswer on his own resignation article that he would be willing to "press the buttons" if an imnpeachment would against all odds take place.

So now with further redo we leave you with these news and hope that you will all choose wisely in the President elections. And dont be afraid to debate your opinion in the comment section below, Vote and Subscribe for more from The Correspondent.

Until next time