[TC] [#16] Max Planck For CP

Day 4,328, 16:53 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung

Howdy eAmerica,

I interrupt your daily farming and two clicking with an important announcement. I will be running for Country President this election and have already begun efforts to seek the nomination from the SFP as well as support from the other top 5 parties. I join this heavily contested race this term on a somewhat populist platform looking to overturn the current status quo in our wonderful eRepublik.

Over the past few months activity has diminished and many people are leaving our community and the game. Though much of this is caused by the very structure of the game itself it is amplified here and in other eRepubliks when those who are most prone to leaving have been alienated from the community and when citizens experience the apathy that comes as a result of a largely dying game.

In these troubled times I among other candidates are calling for greater social cohesion and for whoever is to become our next country president to take measures to try to include the community wherever possible. We all know that this can be difficult as many people don’t have the time, the capability, or the will to be as active as some of us might hope.

Even with these challenges I am compelled to bring together a team that can continue to keep America thriving and one that will be able to fully inform and include the eAmerican public in its strategic and legislative endeavors.

Over the next few days I will be rolling out some of my platform as well as explaining who and what their jobs will be in my administration. I urge all active citizens regardless of who you may or may not support for Country President to reach out to us candidates for positions on our cabinets, and to find out just what we support and why.

I look forward to a fun an interesting race and I urge all citizens to take part in the political process. Thank you for reading and remember to vote Max Planck on October 4th and if you’re a member of the SFP make sure you vote to nominate me in our primary!

~Max Planck~