[Swiss Ministry of Interior] Introducton and plans

Day 1,188, 09:12 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Ministry of Interior

Hello Switzerland!

I was appointed responsible for the Swiss Ministry of Interior (MoI in further text) by F4uc0n, until the 6th of March. First of all, I would like to congratulate the current president for showing great democratic capacity by choosing a neutral (non SLP/SNP blocks member) player for a position in his cabinet. I hope his successors will follow this constructive approach.

I know this looks like a lot of boring text, but please, take a few minutes and read it because we can all benefit from it.

Primary objectives of MoI until the 6th of March:

Providing help to new eSwiss citizens, be it in food or advice. You can contact me via IGM on this organization or my citizen account. Since I speak only English*, I might need volunteers for communication with players who speak only German, French and Italian.
I would also like to ask all players, especially company managers, to notify me of any young players who struggle with help or basic game concepts (productivity, travel, warfare, etc).
Food for citizens in need will be provided by donations. I don't wont to burden the National bank(s) with this problem, since we know that both of them are hopefully** empty since the occupation. For the time being, I would be supplying this bread from my own company free of charge, but all donations are welcome.

Since eSwitzerland has so few active players, we're in constant danger of political take over (PTO). I urge all citizens to notify MoI of any suspects holding an eSwiss citizenship, especially few days before elections. I hereby suggest to make a Blacklist and publish it in these newspapers prior to elections, so that eSwiss population can avoid voting for the imposters. I would like to hear your opinion on this idea in the comments. If there is popular support, I will ask all ministries/gov. departments and private journalists with high number of subscriptions to publish the blacklist in the days of elections.

Another activity of MoI is fighting misuse and cheating. I already have a short list of possible multi accounts, but I encourage citizens to contact MoI in case of suspicious accounts or firms using multies. I know it's hard to prove anything now, since the donations log are no longer visible, but at least admins and mods can check them out. Fat chance, I know, but one must do his/her best.

The same goes for any phishing attempts or swindling people out of their possessions. If you think you have been cheated by another player/org, do not hesitate to inform MoI as soon as possible. If we don't persuade admins/mods to take action, the least we can do is to blacklist the culprits and raise awareness of the populace.

One activity of MoI suffers because of the ”double institutions problem”. Since the organization I'm in charge atm, does not have the possibility to create companies, I would like to publicly ask SNP block, lead by Clifford Burns to grant me access to Swiss Dep. Of Home Affairs. I would like to remind activists of SNP political wing that I am appointed by legitimately elected president, but still a neutral player nevertheless.
My goal is to create a food/grain company (to begin with) owned by this organization, that will produce reserves that will be handed out to civilians during homeland protection wars. We can't have enough reserves in stock, so I will try to motivate other older (hi lvl) players to work in this company for minimal wage one day a week. This is a perfect way to show your patriotism and sacrifice a bit of your own wealth for your eFatherland during times of peace. I encourage everyone to discuss this proposition in the comments.

One of the previous activities is finding work for young players, but since the last change of rules, production of eBabies is not low as before, thus making them sought after by managers, so there is no need for promotion by MoI atm.

There are more ideas and issues, but since they are not so urgent, I will leave them for next article. Some of the ideas from above will need to be submitted as an amendment of the constitution if the comments are positive.

I welcome (and need) any constructive input and criticism and hope you will find my work satisfactory.

In the end, I will ask you to at least vote up this article (if not shout or subscribe to it) so all Swiss citizens could see it.

Srog Norsktag

Government newspapers (subscribe to them to be up-to-date):
Swiss Dep. Of Home Affairs (double to this org)
Switzerland Armed Forces – unique! WooHoo!
Ministry of Foreign affairs and it's double Swiss Dep. of Foreign Affairs
Swiss Ministry of Defence and it's double Swiss Dep. of Defence
Swiss Ministry of Economy it's double Swiss Dep. of Economic Affairs was apparently banned for multies?!
Swiss Ministry of Awesomeness
Swiss Ministry of Solidarity

BTW I shamelessly stole these few images from our ex-CP milanlazetic, hopefully I will take some time and do some original graphics so the next article is not such an eyesore.

*Well enough
**War! That's what we're saving our money, right?