[SPAM] War is Peace - Peace is Boredom

Day 1,153, 08:01 Published in Hungary Hungary by Bem Apo

Ok, I've only been here in this game since october the 27th, I'm a newbie... but in that period, it has never occured that I wasn't able to fight. Not the situation when you can't fight for your own country, only allies... the situation when you simly CANNOT FUCKIN' HIT ANYTHING 😃

How the hell am I supposed to use my 50 wellness per day (given by the house)?
(I know, there will be fights in the night, but hey...)


Anyways, the survey went well, more than 100 people filled it... the analysis is coming on january the 18th, in the evening, not before, I have 3 exams until that.
(and pls, Serbian subscribers, do not fill it...)