[SoSAC] Example Reports

Day 1,000, 10:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg


These are reports for my ambassador countries. New ambassadors are more than welcome to use these as examples. I've included the cabinets in addition although I hope all have you have posted them in the respective places. (Ahem.) The guidelines for your weekly reports can be found here.


President: Victor Petrescu

Minister of Defence: teo.andrei
Vice Ministers of Defence: RazvanBriceag, dragsolux, Griss0m

Ministers of Finance:
M Bogdan, LUC DA

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Green Sidhe
Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs: legendoliver, sas dragos

MMSS: EddyDoubleD auRSTAR Romansul
SNCS: Roscatul stfn
[No idea what these mean.]

Ministers of Education: Azazel of Rahova, harsova2, Xanthia

Minister of Information: Bogdan Armand Sibrand, RaduMihai92, redbody, aradstorm

Minister of Recruitment: TimeForRevenge

Presidential Advisors

General Advisor: Alex Craciun
Financial Advisor: Han Solo
Foreign Policy Advisor: Crista22
Military Advisors: brouvi, Bogdan_L
Special Operations Advisors: mihail.cazacu
Head of the Presidential Control Core: smif
[Note: I changed the exact wording of the titles in most of these cases for clarification.]


After plowing through the Ukraine to capture the high iron region of Podolia only to find it taken back by Hungary, Romania has been launching a series of attacks in attempt to reclaim the region in coordination with a series of attack on Hungary by Croatia and Poland.

Amidst this chaos there has been an effort to return the puppet state of Moldova(who served as their intermediate to capture Podolia -- much like Ireland in the great Polish landswap) to the map who Romania wiped off the map en route to Podolia. Interestingly enough, Transnistria, the eastern region of the Republic of Moldova has been occupied by Hungary in the process.



President: Thomas765

Minister of Finance: Fragreg

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rangeley
- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Stoneman
- Secretary of Diplomacy: Myers11

Minister of Domestic Affairs: Riboldo
- Deputy Minister of Domestic Affairs: Eisenhorn

Minister of Defence: samu-L
- Deputy Minister of Defence and Leader of the Mobile Forces of Austria (MFA): AliasSun
- Secretaries of Defence: PrinceOfAustria and Tharion

Minister of Welfare: Penegrin
- Deputy Minister of Welfare: OEBernd
- Deputy Minister of Welfare: Luis Grindl

Minister of Immigration: Thinh Nguyen
- Deputy Minister of Immigration: Travis James

Advisor: Metallon

Community details:
eAustrian Forum: http://eaustria.at.vu
eAustrian IRC: #eAus and #eAustria (irc.rizon.net) or https://chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.rizon.net with Channel #eAustria


Things have been relatively quiet in Austria recently, which is a good thing considering their past history of invasions and PTOs. I believe the most notable occurrence is the revival of their national army about a month back. Other than that, there is nothing of interest to report on.

United Kingdom:


Prime Minister

Minister: John Bartlett
Role: General bigotry, obnoxiousness. (He didn't write out a role for himself so I filled this one in.)

Deputy Prime Minister / Vice President

Minister: Dishmcds
Role: The Deputy Prime Minister will act as the Prime Ministers right hand man and when the PM isn’t available the DPM will speak with the authority of the Prime Minister.

Chief of Staff

Minister: roadrunnerspeed
Role: The roles of the Chief of Staff are both managerial and advisory. They will also help with selecting key ministerial staff and supervise them to ensure they are performing the best they can. The Chief of Staff will report back to the Prime Minister to keep him up to date . They will also work to implement the Prime Ministers agenda.

Ministry of Finance

Role: The Ministry of Finance will have an important role this month in ensuring that we reduce wastage of funds as well as making sure we have a strong currency and funds available when needed for battles. The Ministry will also be responsible for producing a budget.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Role: The Minister of Foreign Affairs will be responsible in ensuring that relations are kept strong this month and that we as a nation are well represented to the other nations in eRep.

Ministry of Home Affairs

Minister: Robalbinio
Role: This month the MoHA is getting a shake up and will be split into 3 sub departments (Culture, Education, Communication). The MoHA will be in charge of ensuring that all departments are working at maximum efficiency and make sure that any problems are removed. I want real focus this month on these three areas.

Department for Culture

Minister: KaisKais

Role: The Department for Culture’s main role will be to create activities and games for the general population to encourage them to be active and get on the forum. These activities will try to improve the community feel of the eUK to include those not already in it. The secondary role of the Department for Culture will be to keep the eUK’s morale up in times of boredom and unfavourable events.

Department for Education

Minister: Terribletiger

Role: The Department for Education will be in charge of creating guides and tutorials for new and old players alike. This will include written guides, video guides and picture guides. The department will also create in game articles to encourage players on to the forum.

Department for Communication

Minister: Daniel Thorrold

Role: The Department for Communication will be responsible for mass mailing the general population with links to useful information and encouraging them onto the forum. The department will also produce in game adverts for activities produced by the Department for Culture and adverts for guides made by the Department for Education. This department will also team up with the wiki team to ensure that information is kept up to date.

Ministry of Industry

Role: This ministry would run government companies, but also make sure that new players (in cooperation with the MoHA) were joining the right professions.

Ministry of Legislative Affairs

Minister: bowen199
Role: Responsible for ensuring legislative methods and procedures are followed the MoLA will continue to keep the eUK running on the straight and narrow.

Ministry of Trade

Gabriel McCook
Role: The Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Industry will work hand in hand to ensure our markets provide us with what we need when we need it, and at a price we can afford. The Ministry of Trade will monitor both local and foreign markets looking for the best place to set up government companies and export back as well as looking at setting up agreements with companies to export to the eUK.

Ministry of Technological Advancement

Role: The MoTA will be ensuring that the eUK makes the most of the API and information available. I plan to get this ministry creating a central government site so that ministries can go to one place to get information, share information and work as one large unit rather than running around as separate ministries often needing information that other ministers have but having to wait to get access to it.


The United Kingdom has launched a campaign of attacks on Dublin and Southeastern Ireland despite the threat of Canadian invasion. Despite their stack of MPPs capturing Dublin several times, and Ireland’s failing to activate at all, the resilient Irish seem able to take back Dublin with ease every time.

Current the Canucks have occupied Northern Ireland, the North East of England, Yorkshire and Humberside in addition the the high oil Vestlandet they took from the UK. Currently relief efforts have been made by Russia (probably the one country in the world that the UK hasn’t invaded at any one time) to save their regions. Interestingly enough, despite having a Russian MPP activated the UK seems incapable of doing it themselves.

The general mood in London can probably be best described as ‘butthurt.’

It is this enlightened ambassador’s opinion to hypothesize that perhaps all these years of racism, xenophobia, and general bigotry are making their mark on the UK’s foreign relations and willingness of their allies to help.

Yours truly,

Secretary of the State Ambassador Corps, Ireland