[SOS] Being Proactive

Day 823, 13:50 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas
Haruhi is proactively working on another project she has in mind.

Ever heard the saying "If you want something done right, do it yourself?". The saying gives you a sense of ... well you really can't count on anyone else. So I would like to propose a change to that saying:

"If you want something done, do it!"

Proactive Activity

I have been playing this game for quite a few months now and I will say one thing I haven't found in eRepublik is a mind reader. Not a single person in this games knows what you want to have done, or what you want to do.... other than you.

So what is a player to do?

eRepublik is a great game in that it allows you to do just about anything you want so long as it doesn't kill you and you have the money. But perhaps the best thing going for it is the communication channels available.

With enough friends, your shout box becomes an instant announcement tool. You can ask people to vote up articles, ask questions, tell people important information... anything that is tweet-able you can put into your shout box. But what is what you want to say isn't something short term.... its an idea that's long and thought out and you want opinions for?

That is what Newspapers are for! Newspapers cost 2 gold, thats 2/5 gold from leveling, or your 30 hard worker medal. They don't cost much but they open up an entire side of the game that wasn't available before! You can get your ideas out, run events, and get feedback from the community. You can contest laws you can ask for support, everything.

Articles are the heart of this game and for anyone who wants to be involved, a newspaper is a serious must have!

If you are sitting behind your computer, reading this and going : But I work every day, and train every day, my person is fed, and I fight when there is a battle.... but it seems boring...

Need a challenge? Something that takes a good head on your shoulders? Have a ton of money saved because you aren't buying things other than food?

Why not start a business?

Managing a business on eRepublik is hard and complicated and will keep you engaged as well as open up another side of the game for you to interact with. But I don't recommend you try your first business alone. Seek out the Economic Board of eJapan for some pointers and advice! They are a group of people who have been playing that side of the game for a while, talk to them seriously.

Shy? Have Questions? ASK! We don't bite.

If you want more out of this game but refuse to stick your head out then I assure you that you wont go very far from where you are now. Things only happen when you start them.

So get out there, and get proactive!

This Article is an Endorsement of the SOS Brigade, a Group Dedicated to activity, fun, and the strange in eRepublik.