*Slaps Title*

Day 869, 17:10 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak


Now that I slapped the title, time to get to real business.

I'm running for United Zionist Party PP. I've run 3 times, and only once have I won. (Feb 15-Mar 15) Under my term, needless to say, stuff happened. The party grew from 48 members to 74 at its high point, and when I left, it was at 73. On a technical note, I really didn't "lose" the last election, it was a tie (19-19) with Jewyoyo, he became PP because of Experience Points over me. Jewyoyo has done a good job, but I'm aiming to improve the party by doing the following:

1. English to Hebrew Relations Improve. Meaning, more directly, Sababa (Mostly Hebrew) with UZP (Mostly English) with other parties as helpful go-betweens.

2. UZP transition. The UZP is known as a "radical party" by some. My goal would be to turn the radicalness (Is that a word?) of the party and give it a more central tone in some areas of the political climate of eIsrael.

3.Recruitment. Our numbers have gone down since my tenure, and it needs to go up. This should happen either by merging parties, or leading an all out recruiting drive. I willaim to do both in my term.

4. PP/High Party Leadership Talks. So I made this in my term as PP. Then, it dissapeared. Didn't happen. Stuff got done when we talked together, and I wish this to happen again.

The elections are still 7 days away. Why bring it up now?

I'll tell you why. I feel it is important that eIsrael knows. eIsrael means a lot to me, and I'm giving it a showing that I'm going to help bring reform to the Second-biggest Party in eIsrael. K? K.

Also, I will be running for President (Country President) in the May Election after Franz Kafka's term comes to an end. More about that will come later. 😉

Over and Out,

Sam Krakower