[SGT #15] Military News ~ France and Italy ~

Day 1,664, 06:53 Published in United Kingdom France by Raelik

Operation Italy

Italy has managed to secure five of its regions so far, with China now kicked out of Spain and just recently rejected in Italy. They have lost assistance in the Italian liberation.
Serbia and Slovenia stand back to back trying to keep the land under ONE's control.

A new contender has risen to try and liberate Italy, Croatia. Hungary is right behind them too, hopefully ready to push behind the Croatians like Spain did after the American advancement into France not so long ago.

Operation France

Continuing with the Americans, they have remained a border of defence between Spain and France for some time. Moving into either land as needed by TEDEN. Germany has tried to rise up between advancements, right now split into pieces.
Poland, however, has a dominance over the area pushing forward and deeper into France. Taking Paris in the process.
Should we be making our own advancement on France? At North Calais, for example? To support ONE in pushing down TEDEN in Europe.