[SGT #14] Political Update

Day 1,664, 06:51 Published in United Kingdom France by Raelik

In the last couple of days we have had a few proposals sent to congress. With each accepted or rejected with about a third either way.
Here are a selection of the recent proposals and their status at the time of writing.

Income Tax increase from 1% to 5% passed 24/12

Food VAT 5% increase was rejected 11/25

Weapon VAT 5% increase was rejected 14/22

Peace with Ireland proposed with 32/3 in favor
(this proposal is still active)

As regards the peace with Ireland, we have to put our efforts to make sure the regions remain as the original deal was meant to be. Scotland and Northern Ireland for the Irish with Dublin and Louth for us in the UK.

So far, this term, all is going well it seems!

Well done to the government, Cabinate and the Prime Minister!