[SCC] What’s coming up (Attractment programs)

Day 886, 03:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Scottish Clan Council

[SCC] What’s coming up (Attractment programs)

We have spent a while working hard on the forums to help rebuild our fantastic council and now is the time that we can finally return with a bang!

In this article we will tell you what we are doing to help get Scotland back to its greatness once again.

Newspaper and Adverts

First of all will be our newspaper. This will become our beacon of information along with the forums and with this we can keep you up-to-date with all of our plans and actions. However this is not all we will be doing our newspaper is going worldwide. Yes we will be publishing our newspaper around the world to attract not foreign people to the eUK and more importantly Scotland. We will also be regurlarly advertising our plans nationally and so any donations would be more than welcome! This section will be run by ben clew and Darkmantle.


This person shall be visiting foreign counties forums in-game and out to tell them about our plans and what they can do to help us here. This will bring Scotland onto a far more international scene.


Finally, we will have some new Companies to talk about. The main plans of this will be to gain some mony for the SCC and to get new players to join the forums through our company. This department will be headed by Emergy Maxfell

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Our later issues about our new plans will be on our Training program our Mentor program and our fun ideas.

Vote and Subscribe to keep in tune!

Ben clew