Day 1,189, 14:56 Published in China Bosnia and Herzegovina by fifi prc

Dear Comrades,

eBelarus needs our help!!!! The imperialistic and capitalistic eHungary took two regions from eUkraine away, and wanted to penetrate eBelarus but then eUkraine started a RW, and will get the region „Galicia and Lodomeria“ back.

Tomorrow starts a new RW in the eUkraine region „Volhynia“, the only region which borders on eBelarus, and “Volhynia” is the only high grain region, eHungary have (which is not their region) and they will badly try to defend that region, so it’s important to fight there.

I ask every comrade in eChina to help eUkrain in their RW and consequently help eBelarus either.

Travel by tomorrow to eHungary; region: “Volhynia”; go to the Rizon chat, channel: #belarusian_army for further instructions

This small eCountrys can’t defend themselves on their own; they depend on us, who are against imperialism and capitalism.

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