[Regjeringen] Quick report - day 954

Day 954, 12:02 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
I am preparing for my holiday, so although I step by frequently, I don't have the time to write much. I'll prepare and publish a summary of the week some time during the weekend.

- The congress is now voting over three topics regarding economy in the erepublik.no forums. The topics are issuing new NOK, and goal rates for NOK and Gold in the exchange market.

- The congress has decided to support my proposal for government low-skill apprentice companies. More info will follow.

- Sorlandet will be brought back to Norway right after the weekend unless something terrible happens somewhere else in the world.

- We will be taking Nordjylland back.

- If there are not posted particular orders in Forsvarsnytt, you are free to fight in any battle available, but please check for orders first.

- There are relatively few low skill jobs in the job market. I ask all companies to help us get the newcomers into work until the apprenticeship program is in effect.

- BETA: We are placing a hospital in Nordjylland to try out better how wellness recovery will work in V2 battles.