"The goal will be to solve the difficulties in the war against Norway"

Day 1,477, 03:37 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

More reading:
Sweden's president Jim Parsons gets re-elected.


FHD, Sweden's next biggest party with 110 active members didn't support your candidacy this month, yet you gained more support in votes (in percentage) than last month. What do you think that could mean?

- First of all, I want to thank my fellow members in FBS and MP and everybody else who voted for me and given me the trust to lead our great nation.

Regarding the question: last month I was inexperienced and I'm thankful to FHD for the support and faith in me in the last election. But towards this months elections, I think I've proven to the Swedish citizens that I have what it takes and therefore they chose to support me.

Has been an exciting election you think? How does it feel to be re-elected?

- Exiting indeed and it will be good to be able to run this country for another month, especially now with all the overhanging great war and drama going on.

What is the short term goal (next 7-10 days) for Sweden?

- The short term goal will be to solve the difficulties in the war against Norway. We will start ut with diplomacy to begin with, as I've already reached out to Norway to make sure our relations gets better - otherwise we have to try another approach.

What is the long term goal (1-2 months) for Sweden?

- Hard to say. Depends on whether or not the situation in the congress resolves. The Swedish Congress takes the political discussions to a destructive level by letting their feelings come in the way of their work which will make (made?) the congress a hostile place to be.

How will your cabinet for this month look like? Any changes?

- I will pretty much run with the same cabinet as last month with a few changes. Intyala will be the Minister of Finances and Grevefrog11 will step in as Riksbankschef (Governor of Swedish Central Bank). I will chose a new Chief of Ambassadors (already know who to ask) and take on more work, related to the Foreign Ministry.

Thanks for the vote on the article!